Time Travel

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~Time brings all things to pass~


Over the months that passed, between Jack being in that stasis pod and him being awakened, Katelyn was tortured by the changes happening at the SGC. Once, she wrote a letter to Kaycee telling her thoughts on the changes going on in her life.

Dear Kaycee,

I've learned the hard way that things change. We always say how we wish things would change, but when they do we wonder why they can't just stay the way they are. I have to admit this time I don't want anything to change. I like my life the way it is, but like life has shown me so many times before, it doesn't matter what I want. Things either change or don't change on their own. While some things change, others don't. The things that are changing I would like to stay the same and the things that aren't changing are the ones I wish could change. For better or worse, I will change with the changes happening around me. I pray to God or whoever that these changes will turn out to be for the best.

With much love,


Jack was awakened and with the Ancient knowledge, he made a device to help the Asgard with the Replicators as the Asgard had helped the people of Earth so many times.

Jack was promoted to Brigadier General and was asked to be the commander of the SGC. As his first act of business, Sam was promoted to Lt. Colonel. Katelyn was happy for Sam and Jack.

"You know the SGC couldn't ask for a better commander, but it's going to be weird not having you on the team going with us to search faraway planets," Katelyn said. Jack smiled.

"Thanks, Katelyn. I'm really going to miss it out there. You know we never went on the fishing trip you promised."

"We'll have to go on it soon then," Kayelyn replied. Jack nodded.

When they were on leave again Katelyn, Daniel, Teal'c, Sam, and Jack went to Jack's cabin in Minnesota. They took a seat on the dock and around the pond. They cast out their fishing poles and waited and waited.

"There's no fish in here are there?" Sam asked. Jack smiled.

"No, but it's very soothing just to sit here and relax," Jack said. Daniel and Katelyn smiled.

"After all that has happened recently, yes it is."

They all sat there for hours not thinking about the constant threat to their planet and relaxed.

Over the year that came and went quickly since Katelyn started at the SGC, many things happened: Kaycee had come to live in Colorado Springs. Daniel met a woman named Vala. She almost high jacked the Prometheus, Earth's space-worthy battleship. Daniel almost died again by the hands of Replicator Carter. Anubis was finally defeated by the help of Oma Desala. Sam's father died. He chose to go when Selmak, his symbiote, did.

Katelyn was sitting in Daniel's office talking to him about going to Atlantis. He got a phone call. As he answered the phone, Katelyn waited quietly.

"No, I didn't. I just spoke to her a few months ago," Daniel said his face falling. "Thank you, I'll be there." Daniel hung up the phone and looked at Katelyn with a surprised look on his face.

"Catherine Langford died last week," Daniel said. Katelyn looked surprised as well.

Catherine Langford was the daughter of the archeologist that found the Stargate in Giza in the 20s. She had been a part of the Stargate program since its inception.

Daniel was granted permission to go to her funeral. He was gone for a few days and when he came back he had a whole bunch of boxes waiting for him in his office.

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