Chapter 5 ❤︎ Mommy's Dreams

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Please Remember These Things!

❤︎Y/N Means Your Name❤︎

❤︎F/N Means First Name❤︎

❤︎L/N Means Last Name❤︎

❤︎EA/C Means Ear Color❤︎

❤︎T/C Means Tail Color❤︎

❤︎E/C Means Eye Color❤︎

❤︎H/C Means Hair Color❤︎

❤︎ F/F Means Favorite Food❤︎ 

❤︎N/N Means Nick Name❤︎

❤︎POV Means Point of View❤︎ 

Your POV

My eyes fluttered open carefully as I yawned. "Mom... I'm-" I began before seeing Blaze's face looking at me with a worried expression. I jumped up.

"Were you watching me sleep!?" I hissed. Blaze jumped back. "N-No! I would never!" He said quickly. "Are you sure?" I growled. Blaze nodded quickly. "Let me see your phone!" I yelled. "What?!" "Let. Me. See. Your. Phone!!" "Fine!!" He gave in before handing me his phone.

I looked through his gallery.. No videos or photos of me sleeping, good.. I checked his social medias just in case, nothing there either.. Good. I handed it back to him. "Okay Mr. Lucky. You're in the clear.. This time." I said suspiciously. Blaze looked alarmed.

"Okay, so, promise you won't get mad at what I tell you?" Blaze said with a awkward, stupid smile on his face. I swear to Irene I could see sweat. "Uhhh.. Sure. I promise." I responded. Blaze breathed in and out.

"I kind of told my mom we were together?" He said awkwardly. I jumped back, so far back I jumped off of the bed. "YOU WHAT!?" I yelled loudly. I'm surprised no one stormed in because of how loud I yelled. "Listen!! Please let me explain!!" Blaze said quickly. I breathed in, and out, in, and out. Try not to freak out Y/N.

"Listen, my mom really, really wants me to have a girlfriend. She broke into tears when I said me and you weren't dating! Please just.. Pretend? So my mom doesn't get sad?" Blaze explained. I sighed and thought about it for a while. "What do I get in return?"

Now Blaze was thinking. "How about anything off of Aphmoo's shop?" Blaze said hopefully. My eyes brightened up. "Okay!! I'll do it!" I said, grinning, before realizing what I just said. Oh Irene, what have I gotten myself into.

I walked down with Blaze, me half hoping his mom wouldn't see us. "Oh Blaze!!" I heard a masculine voice say quite cheerfully. His.. Dad?

I saw someone walk over to us. He looked exactly like Blaze, except taller and with no scar above his nose. "How is my favorite son? Here with his new girlfriend, I see?" Blaze's dad grinned.

I was about to open my mouth in protest but Blaze lightly punched my arm and whispered into my ear. 'Remember'. I sighed. "Hello sir! I'm Blaze's girlfriend!" I said cheerfully. I was quite good at acting if I do say so myself. "Oh, hello!! You're the cutie I see. I'm Mr. Adolescent, but you can call me Jeff." Said 'Jeff' as he shook my hand. "I'm F/N L/N." I said, sighing. "Great!! Well, I'm sure you have somewhere to be off to, but please come by again!" Said Jeff before walking back to the screaming horror in the dinning room. Where Blaze's siblings resided.

Me and Blaze walked out and Blaze walked me home. My car wasn't in my driveway. I guess mom went to go get dinner. When I entered, I actually surprisingly found my mom, crying on the couch.

"Mom..?" I said quietly. When I looked up, I saw my mom's sad face. She wiped her tears out of her eyes. "Oh.. Hello sweetie.." She said quietly, whimpering and sniffling. "W-What's wrong?" I dared to ask. Suddenly, my mom got up and ran over to me, squeezing me.

"I'm so sorry.. I'm so so sorry.." My mom cried. "Mom..?" I said, confused. "Your dad.. He left.. He blocked my number and yours. He said.. He said he was never going to come back.. He broke up with me, as you know we aren't married.. I'm sorry sweetie.. I'm so, so sorry.. I wanted you to grow up with a father.. I'm sorry.." She cried into my shoulder.

"Mom.. It's okay.." I said, giving her as much sympathy as possible. "I have no way to get you to school and everyone I know is to far away.." My mom whimpered and went back and sat down. She was going to lose her mind. "It's okay! I know who can take me!" I said without thinking. I was nearly in tears. My dad? Gone? Forever?

"Who?" My mom asked. "I have this friend who lives 3 houses down, he can take me, he goes to Pheonix Drop High as well!" I said, smiling. Tears were rolling down my face.

"Well.. Okay.. Mommy just, needs some time to think right now. Call your friend all tell him to pick you up every morning if it's okay." My mom said before getting up and walking to my parent's room, or should I say, my mom's room. I heard her yelling and sobbing, but I just walked outside and started crying.

My dad left me. His own daughter. Why? He was so nice.

I got my phone and called Blaze. "Hey Y/N!!" Blaze said energetically. "Hi.. Blaze.." I said between sniffles. I was crying my eyes out. "Y/N!? What happened!?" Blaze said with worry in his voice. "Can you.. Come over.. To my house.." I sniffled. "Of course, I'll be right over." Blaze said, worry filled in his voice. He hung up and as soon as I knew it. Blaze was running over. He ran over to my side. I was sitting on the steps to my house.

Blaze grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "Shh... Shh... It's okay.. I'm here now.. What happened?" "M-My d-dad.. He- He left.. M-Me.. For.. G-Good.." I sobbed into his shoulder. I felt his fuzzy tail wrap around my legs and he pulled me closer to him. "It's okay N/N.. It's okay.." Blaze whispered into my ear.

N/N? Was that.. A nickname he made for me?

"I need.. I need someone to take me to school everyday.. Can you and your parents do it?" I asked. Without any questions, Blaze nodded. "Of course!"

Blaze hugged me for a while and comforted me, telling me everything will be okay. Eventually, he had to go home. I entered my house and walked to my room and fell asleep. I fell asleep crying.

Blaze's POV

Now there's two problems involving me and Y/N. My parents think me and her are dating, and I have to convince my parents to pick her up on the way of taking me to school. Bravo Blaze, you sure are a genius.

I guess if my parents think she's my girlfriend, and I explain the situation.. They wouldn't mind, right? Irene I sure hope not. Her life is in shambles at this point and I want to be here to help her. I really do. I want to protect her.

What is this feeling?

Not a Normal Meif'wa (Blaze X Reader) DISCONTINUED 5/6/18Where stories live. Discover now