Sincerity (NSFW)

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(A/N: you did it, you reached the smut. You can skip this part if you don't like this kind of thing. But if you do, enjoy! Also a quick warning to those who do read it, it's going to be a tearjerker)

Shuuichi and Rantarou watched the raindrops from the window in disappointment. Shuuichi went to Rantarou's house in hopes that Rantarou will take him to the cafe he was always talking about. It was closer to Rantarou's neighborhood so that's why they decided to go Rantarou's home.
But it rained so their plans are canceled, they're stuck inside.

"Hey.." Shuuichi suddenly said in a whisper like tone. "What is it?" Rantarou asked. "What do you see in me? Are you sure you're not with me because of pity?" Shuuichi suddenly asked, his eyes were still at the wet window screen. Rantarou sighed and wrapped his arms around Shuuichi, he rested his head on his shoulder. "Not at all, I see so much in you. You're so smart, you're so kind, and I really adore every single piece of you. You're such an amazing person Saihara, I can see what Akamatsu saw in you." Rantarou said in a soft tone, he held Shuuichi's hands in his own, mending his fingers into Shuuichi's. "But you were forced to be with me. Akamatsu-San asked you to take care of me, and you did." Shuuichi said, sighing in doubt.

"Yeah and I grew to adore you. Did you not see my eyes staring at you, did you not see how my eyes widened when I saw you looking for your hat?" Rantarou replied, a soft smile playing on his lips. Shuuichi let out a sigh. "Remember, when I said how much I loved your smile and your laugh? Remember when I held you so close when you cried because you thought I'd hate you?" Rantarou kept going as one of his hands went to touch Shuuichi's bottom lip.

"My words are sincere, I promise you." Rantarou whispered.

Shuuichi felt a shiver in his body because of how close Rantarou had whispered that, it went directly into his ear. Shuuichi looked up at him, there was tears forming. "D-do you really promise..?" He asked. Rantarou replied by tying his pinky around Shuuichi's. "Of course, don't cry like that." He said softly as he kissed away Shuuichi's tears. "Everything about you is sweet, even your tears." He said as he held Shuuichi's chin and made it face towards him. He continued to kiss around his eyes and cheeks. Shuuichi kept crying, his tears constantly flowing as Rantarou kissed them away. Rantarou felt sadness when he saw Shuuichi's eyes, they reflected the sight outside the window. "I really do love you Saihara." He said softly as he pulled Shuuichi's body closer to him using his other arm, keeping his hand under Shuuichi's chin.

He kept kissing around Shuuichi's face until he kissed his lips. They held place. Shuuichi got used to kissing after while since they started to do it often. He was able to kiss Rantarou back. As they pulled away, Rantarou whispered in his ear. "You're so adorable and so charming." And without thinking, he started to kiss around Shuuichi's ear. He got a little surprised when Shuuichi let out a squeak. Rantarou nibbled around the ear and kept getting soft yelps and squeaks from Shuuichi. He pulled Shuuichi down with him and he was laying down with Shuuichi under him. He kept softly kissing around his ear area until he pulled away and kissed Shuuichi.

Gently, Rantarou moved his fingers to play with Shuuichi's hair. He pulled away and whispered., "Is it okay if I kissed you more?" Shuuichi was blushing but than he nodded and Rantarou went back in. He slowly licked Shuuichi's bottom lip as he kissed him until he was given entrance. Shuuichi clearly didn't know how to respond to it as he let Rantarou completely explore his mouth. Rantarou felt satisfied with all the soft, muffled, noises that Shuuichi made. He slowly pulled away, still intertwining his tongue. When he pulled away, he saw Shuuichi heavily breathing. He looked so cute..

"I guess I went over the limit, huh?" Rantarou said with a chuckle but he heard a soft huff come from Shuuichi's lips. "N-no.. keep going.. please love me more.." he pleaded between huffs. "So that's how it'll be." Rantarou said with a soft smile as he traced his fingers along Shuuichi's collarbone. He went in and gently kissed Shuuichi from his ear to his collarbone. Shuuichi kept letting such soft sounds, those areas being so sensitive. Rantarou wanted to treat those areas with care as he made sure not to leave any marks. He got to the button up that Shuuichi wore. He got dressed up for their date and forgot to change since. Rantarou unbuttoned the shirt, carefully and slowly. He saw Shuuichi's exposed chest. It was a beautiful pale, like the rest of his body, with two pink peaks. Rantarou carefully played with them, gently pinching them and fondling them between his fingers.
"Hah.. ♡"
Rantarou blushed at how cute Shuuichi sounded. He leaned in and gently started licking one of them before sucking it. Shuuichi started to let out soft moans. Rantarou kept going while fiddling with the other one. He moved his mouth away and saw how stiff it looked. He went over to the other and did the same. When Rantarou pulled away from Shuuichi, Rantarou looked at his face. Shuuichi  was blushing furiously and he was panting, his misty eyes were hooded in desire, like they'd close any moment.

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