1. Hazel eyes

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The rain pounded heavily against the window. It was gloomy and grey and you couldn't have asked for worse weather for a big day. The clouds showed no signs of letting up and the wind made the tree leaves escape. You huffed loudly as you sit in your parked car of the university. You were quite unsure how you were about to bring in all the boxes without soaking them and everything you owned that was held inside. You got out of the car and got immediately attacked with water. The rain really wasn't on your side today.

You huffed and hurried yourself inside the dorm you would be staying. You had noticed a lot of other students in empty dorms just waiting for their chance to grab their boxes as well. You walked towards the opposite side of the building to where you were to check in."Hello my name is y/l/n, y/n and I'm a first year." You stated. The girl with beautiful long white hair was quick to turn around and go to the folders. She was gorgeous and she had mesmerizing eyes that seemed almost fake with how big and bright they were. She handed you a key and some paperwork that stated where you will be and some rules of the dormitory.

"My name is Hino Yukiko, you can call me Hino-chan or just Hino. I will be the person you come to for any spare keys, or any write ups that happen. I will be here most often than not. We will be having a meet at exactly 6," Hino spoke quickly and professionally. She still spoke with a friendly smile though and it made you feel very comfortable about being here. You nodded towards her as a thank you and walked towards where you would be staying. The dorm you were staying at was a unisex dorm, but that didn't bother you. What did was that there were already girls giggling it up with some guys but that was to be expected you assumed.

You walked into your dorm and noticed a girl with blonde hair and putting up pictures of her and some other people. She was quick to turn around and smiled, "Hello there! I'm Hitoka Yachi!" You were a bit surprised by the excitement she had in her voice but you were quick to announce yourself back.

"Its very nice to meet you," You said after giving her your name and bowed slightly. She was a beautiful girl with dark brown eyes and blonde hair. You had noticed one of her photos, the one in the middle, of her and a boy with greenish hair. "Is he your boyfriend?" She immediately went bright red and laughed a bit.

"Oh no. That's just Yamaguchi. We've been close friends for a while but I don't know if he ever will see me in that way," she spoke truthfully. They were a very cute couple, but you weren't going to push the boundaries. You started to noticed a few other photos with him and then some other boys in volleyball uniforms. "He should be here shortly too. I hope that's going to be okay. He is just going to get me so we can walk to lunch. Would you like to come with?"

"I should probably start grabbing some of my stuff," you spoke. It was going to be a long day and you knew that you had to at least start on unpacking. The rain still seemed to be aggressive but you were going to do your best to try to get most of your stuff inside. You excused yourself from the dorm and went to your car. It was hard to walk through without an umbrella, but you were determined to get this finished.

You finally made it to your car once again with the rain assaulting you and making your hair fall in your face more than normal. You popped your truck and turned around to notice someone getting out of their own car. He stood tall, his lanky figure seemed uncomfortable in the small car that he just got out of. His hair was quick to also fall in his face and the glasses that he wore fogged almost instantly. You heard a small noise come from him and he turned around and you quickly stole a glance at his face. Mainly the bright beautiful hazel eyes that exposed themselves from his glasses.

You were in a bit of shock by his whole frame, but you had to recover quickly to grab your stuff from the back. You tried your best to not watch him and where he was headed but a part of you was hoping that he would be heading to the same dorm you were in. You grabbed some of your lighter stuff and closed your truck. You quickened your pace back to your dorm knowing that either way you would be having to change clothes soon.

The hazel eyes tore into you. Standing in front of you was the boy you watched leave his car. You didn't know how he got inside without you realizing but here he was. For some reason glaring hard at you as well. "Hi, can i help you," you questioned. He watched you for a moment before putting your key on top of your boxes.

"Hino-chan said you dropped this as you were leaving," he said with a raspy voice. He said nothing more and turned around. He headed back to where the dorm leader was and you watched carefully and listened to your heartbeat in your ears. He was more handsome when he was leaning over your small frame than you'd of liked to admit. You hurried to your room to finally put some of your stuff up.

The image of those hazel eyes buried deep into your brain. I want to get his name.


I finally got chapter one out and I really love it! I hope you guys like it too!

I would enjoy any type of feedback!

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