2. Volleyball

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The orange sunlight that came through your window was what woke you up that morning. It threatened you with a loss of weekend if you stayed in bed any longer. That being said you forced yourself to look at your clock on your phone. 10:37. Great. Even now you can't sleep in like you use to be able to. You forced yourself up and off your bed. You were thankful that you had finished your homework already after staying up late last night. You had spoken to Yachi-chan and got to know her more and her relations with Yamaguchi. They apparently had went to school together for a few years now and she was the reason he had come to this university.

You had questioned her on the boy who had sharp hazel eyes. Not like you narrowed it down for her much only seeing him a few times within the past few weeks you had been here. You figured it would be easy to spot such a tall guy in the crowd, but he did well in hiding. You knew he was in this dorm since you had seen him in the meeting the first day you moved in, but not many more times than that. "Good morning (y/n)-chan." Yachi had walked back into the dorm with coffee in her hand and Yamaguchi followed behind her. You were aware that he was basically a package with her.

"You are allowed to have whoever in your dorms, but if it's someone of opposite sex the doors stay open. They also go back to their own dorms by lights out. Which will still be 10 for some of you rowdy older folks. If you have the door closed you will get a write up if I find out. 5 write up's and you will get sent to a different dorm."

You watched the door get fully open after only being awake for such a short period of time. You really hated that rule. You'd rather have the chance of getting written up than have the door left open as soon as you get up in the morning. You pulled yourself off your bed finally and grabbed an outfit for the day. "Are you doing anything today," Yachi asked you before you stepped out of your shared room.

"Not really. What are you guys doing?" You haven't really seem them apart since they first arrived. They were basically a package. Yamaguchi smiled wide at you, and you could tell that he was really just happy to be around Yachi. The sun made his hair a beautiful green color and his freckles really pop. You understood why Yachi had a crush on him even if she wouldn't admit it.

"We are going to the gym to play some volleyball. Would you like to join?" Yamaguchi was the one to ask. He seemed to be thrilled to go and play. You noticed that the pictures that Yachi had up some of them he was in a volleyball uniform for. You smiled and agreed and hurried yourself to go and get ready. You hadn't ever played volleyball besides in Physical Education classes. You did more of the drawing or taking photography for the teams.

You were quick to get ready, and so the three of you took off towards the gym. It was a good distance away from your dorm, but you enjoyed the long walk. The cold air caused leaves to dance around you and embrace you with soft kiss to the cheeks and nose. A smile was plastered to your face while you walked, and Yachi couldn't help but notice. "Is this your favorite time of year, (y/n)?"

A small blush crept onto your cheeks. "Was I really that obvious," you laughed with guilt. You couldn't help but answer her question with the love that she felt for the midst of fall. It was a good time of year for perfect weather without her feeling dreadfully hot. She wasn't the biggest fan of how she looked so she often avoided wearing revealing clothes. In this weather she got to wear her oversized hoodies and really enjoy them.

As they walked into the gym the first thing she noticed was that there was the tall blonde and a boy with brown hair that shagged over his eyes a little bit. "Oikawa could you please take this seriously," the tall blonde said in an annoyance tone. The one named Oikawa laughed and hit the ball decently hard before smirking right back at the aggravated boy. "Shittikawa," the boy growled.

You were a bit in awe of him still. His hazel eyes cut right through the other boy and you could feel the cut throat daggers from where you were. You immediately heard Yamaguchi laugh and start walking over. "Tsukishima you really never change do you?" So that was his name. It seemed to fit him well.

"That was the guy I mentioned to you," you muttered to Yachi. You couldn't keep your eyes off of how he stood with pride but how he radiated annoyance. She looked you a little surprised. You wondered if maybe she knew him. Before she could mention anything of him Yamaguchi spoke up and called for her and you.

"Tsukishima, Oikawa. This is (Y/l/n) (Y/n). She is Yachi's roommate." Tsukishima made a small noise and Oikawa was quick to wrap his arm around your shoulders. You looked at him for a moment, and words seemed to fall from you. You had to admit he wasn't ugly, but he seemed a bit much.

"Yeah, hi." You pushed him away and Tsukishima snickered at the rejection towards Oikawa.

"You've lost your touch," Tsukishima spoke with a smirk plastered across his lips. You wondered how he looked so devious while making fun of someone who he assumed was his friend. You wondered how he could have so little emotion in his face, yet have such an evil gleam to his eye. You were quick to pull Yachi aside and question her about this boy after talking so much about him.

"I went to school with him last year. We were in the same class. He is quite an ass. Are you sure that he is the one you are talking about, because we could find you someone much nicer to like. Anyone for example." Yachi seemed a bit desperate in her attempts to avail you from seeking further into his character. Yet he was so mesmerizing. Something about him just spoke to you.

"Something just makes me wonder about him. I think he's different," you noted. You were sincere. Something about him seemed like it wasn't quite there. Something missing from his appearance. Lacking a certain emotion.

"Yeah he's different alright." Her concern was very real. Your determination was strong though. You were going to figure out who he was and how to get him to talk to you. Then again you know what they say:

Curiosity Killed The Cat.

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