3. Study Hall

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You took your time heading to the library. You had a big essay to write by two weeks and you were struggling to figure out exactly how to write the essay. The library was quiet though and not a lot of people were around. So no one can see me cry. This was your worst subject and you knew that you'd be here most of your day. You were quick to grab a table at the corner where not a lot of people sat and pulled out all of your books and notes.

After a few hours alone you heard footsteps behind you and finally sit themselves at the opposite end of the table. You almost didn't care to look up until you heard them stuff grumbling under their breath. "I swear I have never met more annoying people in my life," the frustration was more than obvious. You looked up to notice the deep hazel eyes glaring down at their book. Tsukishima was more angry than usual and you almost wanted to ask. Of course, even though you have seen him plenty of times you still had a hard time making any words form.

"w-what's," you ended up squeaking more than talking but it got his attention. He wore daggers in his eyes like when you saw him playing volleyball with the guy named Oikawa. "What's wrong with you," you forced yourself to speak. He said nothing. Instead he put his white headphones on and went back to reading his book. You knew that you should of stayed quiet. You huffed and went back to work yourself. You had to focus on the essay yet you kept wondering to him and his facial features.

Eventually, after hours of him just reading and you finally finishing your essay, you packed up your stuff. You stretched as you felt your body stiffen from how long you've sat in the same spot. You noticed that Tsukishima was still fuming a bit to the side and you couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him. You tore a spare piece of paper and wrote down your number on it and a small note. Just in case.

You left. Your heart was racing from what you just had the nerve to do, but you would be lying if you weren't a little proud of yourself. You left yourself daydream as you walked. It was getting dark and you watched the sky turn slowly from a beautiful orange to a deep purple. You couldn't have fallen more in love with the space you were in. Before you knew it a hand was placed on your shoulder and you felt your soul leave your body for a split second.

You jumped back and looked at who was touching you when you snapped out of your initial fear. Glasses covered the eyes you loved to look at, but you noticed who it was. Tsukishima? "Oh. I'm sorry. Was I in your way?" You noticed you had been stopped in the middle of the sidewalk but you were unsure why he wouldn't just walk around you.

He stared at you for a moment. You couldn't tell any of his emotions, but you noticed he was still tense. "I probably won't text you," he said very softly. You felt a type of hurt that you didn't expect to feel. It's not like you were trying to hit on him. You were about to apologize again but he stopped you from talking once more. "But I'll keep it just in case." He walked off. What kind of interaction was that? You watched him walk away. He walked with his headphones on and his head tilted back.

All you could really do was watch him and stand in shock. You weren't sure whether to take this as a compliment or as an insult. You pulled out your phone to text Yachi, hoping that she had some answers.

*Joined Conversation with Macho Yacho*

Macho Yacho:

How did studying go? you were gone a while.

(y/n) the simp:

I saw Tsukishima at the library. we sat there the whole time saying nothing while i studied.

Macho Yacho:

Is that a good thing?

(y/n) the simp:

Well I gave him my number.

Macho Yacho:


(Y/n) the simp:

I was getting there

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I was getting there.

Macho Yacho:

whatever, so???

(Y/n) the simp:

He said he probably wouldn't text me


He said he'd keep it just in case


Macho Yacho:

I'll text Yams and see what he thinks

*Macho Yacho left the chat*

You weren't exactly sure why you amused her sometimes, but you appreciated her bountiful help. You walked towards your dorm, but you had a weird feeling about the environment around you. You looked around you for a split moment before quickening your pace. You felt weird running away from just the dark itself, but you weren't taking any risks. You ran into the dorm and closed the door behind you rather loudly which got some glances from the people who were sitting in the small get together area. You didn't take the time to amuse them though as you walked towards your room. Yachi and Yamaguchi were hanging out on her bed and whispering among themselves. "Glad to see you're still in the same spot as when I left," you teased.

You were grateful that the relationship had blossomed out between you and Yachi. Even Yamaguchi you considered close to you know. You couldn't imagine why Yachi and him weren't dating yet, but you also knew how awkward both of them were when it came to relationships. Yachi went to you quickly and smiled. "Do you think he might like you?"

"I hope you're not talking about Tsukishima. We have had at most 3 conversations," you laughed at her. You knew she was just excited as you were though that he did accept your phone number. You would be lying if you said you hadn't started trying to figure out his schedule just a little bit, but now you knew that he liked to hide in the library when aggravated so maybe that would help.

"He doesn't have an easy time making friends," Yamaguchi admitted. He seemed so emotionally unavailable to you. He was hard to read and didn't like talking to anyone. You wondered if he had ever been in a relationship or anything of the sort. The thought crossed and left your mind quickly as they called lights out. Yamaguchi got himself up and wished you and Yachi a goodnight. You were quick to close the door.

"Please tell me you are going to ask him out soon or something," you begged.

"Shut up. We aren't having this conversation and you can bite me," Yachi teased right back.

"You wish he would." You were quick to receive a good arm punch for that.


Okay!! Chapter 3 and I feel like I am on a groove. I really like how its going.

I hope you all enjoy! I know I am. I will probably be adding a bit more of the texting since i really loved the idea that few others had of it, but i don't want mine to have a lot of it. I'm really excited though!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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