Chapter 9 Home

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Regina looks around, bright eyed, and curious as they sit in first class. Killian of course has plenty of money, but this was actually arranged by the embassy. Regina looks out the window of the large plane, as Killian fastens his seatbelt next to her. 

Killian loves seeing how happy she is. While she will still need therapy and healing to resolve what she suffered, she was at least safe, and going home. Slowly, Regina started to remember things about herself and her former life. 

As the trauma would lift over her memory, she would remember more. "My father," she looks at Killian. "His name is Henry," Regina nods. "Do you remember your name?" He asks. "I want to stay Regina," she says. Killian smiles, "Well, you are royal now, but do you remember what you used to be?" He asks. 

"It was Kate," She remembers. Killian nods, "that's why they called you K, I guess." Regina shakes her head, "I remember telling them over and over I was Kate, he would just hit me, until I stopped, and then if I said it again, he would..." she clenches her hands. Killian gently places his hand over both of hers, "It's alright, you're Regina now," He said. 

As Regina overlooks the skyline, the plane ascends. Brooklyn was large, but he figured Regina's memory would come back more and more and he could lead her home. "Your last name, do you remember that?" He asks. "Mills," She gasps. "Good, good," he smiles back. 

Killian types on his smartphone Henry Mills, and looks up Brooklyn, getting an address. Killian and Regina exit a cab. Regina eyes light up, looking around. Killian observes her as she looks around. "I recognize this," she says gleeful. 

"There's a park," she points, "Down there, I played little league," she smiles. Killian grins at her, and nods. She's ecstatic as she looks down the blocks of the homes lined up with trees among the brickstone houses. 

She hears a familiar ringing. Down the street, comes an ice cream truck, with the melody echoing from it. "Ice cream truck," She beams at Killian. Kids come running around them following the vehicle as it slows along the street. 

Killian smiles at her, as she stares around he grasps her hands. They walk down some more blocks, and reach a brick building with a black iron gate. Regina looks down the pathway, leading up to the green door. 

She holds the gate between her hands. Killian gently touches her shoulders, "This is my home," she mutters. The door opens and a woman bends down for the paper. She freezes, and drops the paper. "Henry!!" She calls out, and steps down. 

The woman walks slowly, and Regina opens the gate, "Kate...." the woman mutters, "Mother..." Regina whispers, as they pace forward. The woman gently touches her face, "Ohhh... I knew it!!" She grasps her tightly. Holding Regina tight to her, as a man with graying hair comes to the doorway. 

"Cora?" he asks, and sees the women in an embrace. "Kate..." he steps down the stairs, and rushes to them, "Father.." Regina mutters as he meets her eyes, and grabs both the women in his arms. Regina sighs, peacefully, between her parents. "Mother.. what is it?" another young woman, roughly 25, with red hair comes out. 

"Kate!" she rushes toward Regina, "Zelena," Regina breathes, she joins them in a hug. Killian smiles at the end of the path at their reunion. "Oh.." the woman, Cora, breaks the hug and looks towards him. "Sir, please," she welcomes him. 

Gently, the tap of the rain begins, "Ok everyone inside," Cora says. 

"You are?" Henry asks, "Killian Jones, Detective," he shakes his hand firmly. "You brought our Kate back," Cora smiles to him. He smiles, "Umm actually, he named me Regina," she says. "Oh," Cora nods. 

The mood turns quiet, as Regina looks at her parents, "well they called me K, and Killian came along and saved me, and gave me the name Regina," she explains. Cora smiles, "Well, then we will call you that, it is very Royal," Cora says. 

"Come on, upstairs, your room, hasn't changed," Zelena says, Regina nods to Killian and heads off. 

"Please," Cora gestures him to sit. Henry and Cora sit as well and look at the man who saved their daughter. "I can't thank you enough," Cora said. "Oh, please don't thank me," Killian says. "Is she alright?" Henry asks. "Well, she's quite strong, she nailed her own captive, I just was there to give her a gun. She had the strength the entire time, in herself," Killian said.

"We never left, hoping that she would come back some day," Cora described. "We always knew she was alive," Henry said. "I'm sure you could sense it," Killian nods. "Yes, she was always so strong," Cora says. 

Zelena and Regina come down the stairs, "You all must be hungry, I should make something, you still like lasagna?" Cora asks. "Yes please," Regina nods. "I should..." Killian shrugs. "No, don't leave," Regina pleaded. 

Cora noticed something. Killian nods, "Ok, as you wish," he says. 

Heading to the kitchen. "My daughter seems happy with you," Cora said. "Umm please ma'am let me help," Killian dries his hands. "Don't avoid my question, son, how old are you?" Cora asks. "Umm 30," Killian nods. "Mmm, she's going to be 20 in a few weeks," Cora said. 

"Have you two?" Cora looks at him, "Umm No, No..." Killian quickly denies, "Kissed?" She asks. Killian can't help but blush and give it away. "I respect your daughter, and what she's been through," Killian said. "I've no doubt of that, but she certainly feels safe and secure with you," Cora said. 

"You're leaving?" Regina asks, "Well, you should be with your family," Killian said. "You're welcome to stay Detective, if it makes Regina more comfortable," Cora said. Regina looks at him, "Please?" She asks. "Well, who can deny that face, I will if you wish me too," he nods. 

"Please..." Regina pleads. "I'll stay," Killian nods. 

"We'll set you up quite nicely," Cora nods. "I've no doubt, thank you," Killian nods. Regina breathes finally.

As the night gets late, the house silences and retires. Killian is reading, and he sees the door crack open. "Hi," Regina says. "You ok?" Killian asks. "Just wanted to see you," She says. Killian smiles, "Come on in," He waves to her. 

Regina jaunts to the bed, and sits down next to him. "So, you ok?" He asks. "Yeah, I just wonder what's going to happen?" she asks. "You go to school, do what you wanted," he nods. "What about you?" She asks. "Well, I'm wherever you want, I have to close the case, then..." he shrugs. 

"You said you would be here," Regina says. "I know, and I will, but I do have to complete work." He says. Regina sighs, "Hey," he gently touches her hand, "I'm going to be with you, if you want me," he nods. 

She sits down, and gets under the blanket next to him. She pulls his hand downward, laying him next to her. He holds her hand curling around her, "Stay with me, you're my home, Killian," Regina breathes. 

Killian closes his eyes and gently kisses her ear, "shhh, I will, Regina." 

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