Chapter 5 Sting

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Killian moves into Regina's kiss, only with his mouth, not wanting to touch her too much. She's given him this trust, he doesn't want to take more too soon. He gently settles his hands on each side of her face, so she knows where they are. 

Regina closes her eyes, and can taste the chocolate and wine between their mouths. It's her first kiss, really. He knows how to kiss. Regina feels his lips move against hers, and the scruff around his mouth tickles the outer of hers. Gently, they part, her lipstick keep a tiny bit of her lip on his for an extra second. 

He smiles at her, "Well, that was..." he pants. "My first real kiss," Regina finishes for him. "Well, that's indeed quite special, I appreciate that honor," he said. "You're a.... good kisser," she flushes a bit saying it. "Well thanks. I'm probably really out of practice there," he admits. 

"How long?" She asks. "Since I've kissed?" He replies. He thinks a moment, "Probably a good four years to be honest," He said. "You've been working on this a long time," Regina nods at him. "I have," he agrees. 

As the night goes on, Regina gets tired from drinking her first full glass of wine. She falls asleep on the floor. As the movie credits end, Killian looks over at peaceful Regina. A sense of peace is within him, at least he saved one person in these four years, hopefully he could save the rest. 

Shutting the tv, Killian kneels, and starts to place his hands on either side of Regina. "Ah!" She jolts awake, terrified. He holds his hands up, "Sorry, I was just going to put you into bed," He says calmly. "Oh... I'm sorry, I...." she wheezes, in dismay. 

"No No, it's my fault, it's ok," he eases. He holds out his hand, Regina catches her breath, and takes it, and stands up. He pulls the comforter open on the bed, and she gets inside. Regina pulls the covers up over her, as he stands next to the bed. 

"I'm really sorry I scared you just now, I'm going to sleep over there as usual," he points to the chaise in the corner. "It's ok," Regina assures him. "Get some sleep," he says. She watches him sit down and cover himself up on the chaise, and dim the light. 

In the morning, "Umm," Regina pokes Killian. "AH!" He gasps, "Well, guess I had that coming," he breathes. "Sorry," Regina murmurs. "No, bloody hell, I overslept," he gets up. 

"Where are we going?" Regina asks, as Killian leads her down an ally, "They're down here," He says, keeping his feet paced. They reach a large van, and it opens, Regina recognizes Killian's boss. "Jones," she helps Regina inside the van. 

A brunette woman, dressed similar to how Regina used to, stepped out. Regina looked at Killian for answers as he nodded and took the other woman by the hand. The agent closed the van, "Now watch, see?" she flips a switch on a screen, and Regina can see the street they just came from.

The woman has a camera, in her button. Regina watches as the woman and Killian stand outside a hotel room. Killian knocks, and the man in the suit from the day before answers the door. Regina is uncomfortable, but knows that since the woman is an agent, this won't go where it normally would. 

Killian assumed the role of a master, and stood with his arms crossed. The man in the suit paced around the woman, she even acted as Regina had to. Regina shifted uncomfortably, and the man began to see Killian to the door.

Getting close to it, the woman takes out her gun. The man holds up his hands, and Killian grabs his wrists, "I didn't do anything," he defends as Killian cuffs him. "Yeah but the men you paid, did," he smirks. "Now, I'm going to remove those cuffs, resume a disguise, and we're going to just walk casually out the front entrance," Killian says. 

The man agrees, and Killian and the woman agent walk on either side of him. Killian has sunglasses and a hat on, but Regina's old master, recognizes the man in the suit. Keeping his eyes locked on the three, as they exit the building. 

"You're coming with us to the embassy," the woman says as the man is buckled into the van. Killian and Regina stand outside. "I'll call," the agent says and she shuts the van. As the van leaves, Regina releases a heavy sigh. 

"What's wrong?" Killian asks. "He saw you, he knew you both," Regina said. "Who?" Killian asks. "For an agent shouldn't you know?" Regina asks. "My former master," she says. "Ah, I know," Killian nods. Regina scowls at him, disgruntled, "Why didn't you take him too?" Regina asks. 

"This isn't that simple love," Killian shakes his head. "I thought you were going to get them, I thought this was it!" Regina gets anxious now. "Hey hey, calm down," Killian holds up his hands, and gently touches her shoulders. She pushes him off. 

"Ok, Regina, listen, there are steps to this, we can't just swoop in, almost that entire staff is with this ring," he describes. "So there's more?" She asks. "Yes, there's more," Killian sighs. Regina presses her hands down the sides of her face. 

"Hey, I told you I would get them. I never said it would be just a few days," Killian defends. "Then when!? What next!?" Regina shrieks at him. "Shhh," Killian begs. "What? What next Killian?" Regina asks. 

Killian realizes it's the first time she's called him by his name. He tips his head, and "Look," he begins. They're interrupted, at the end of the ally. Regina's gasp, gives away who it is. Quickly jerking her head to put her sunglasses on. 

Killian puts himself in front of her, and takes her hand. "Hey!" The man, Regina's former master, yells. "Stay calm," Killian encourages quietly. The man walks up to them. "Aren't you staying in the hotel?" He asks. "Yes, we are, is there a problem?" Killian asks. 

The man attempts to look behind him at Regina closer, "Hmm, didn't mean to frighten you ma'am," he says. Regina breathes deeply. Killian circles to her side, "My wife is just still getting used to this trip," he says holding her arm gently, sliding his hand down to take hers. 

"Apologies," the man says, "There are some complimentary things to be granted to newlyweds," he says. "Ah, alright," Killian nods. "Front desk has the information, mention my name, Tena," he said. 

Killian nods, and the man heads off. 

"He's lying," Regina said. "What?" Killian asks. "I may not have been allowed to look him in the eyes but I know when he's lying," Regina said. "What are you thinking?" Killian asks. "He's trying to trick you, he knows," Regina said. "I'm usually the perceptive one," He says, "Well, I knew the monster he is for three years," Regina said. "Ok then, Plan B," Killian said. 

"What's Plan B?" Regina asks. "There's always a back up, come on," Killian leads her the other way, "But the hotel has our.. things." Regina said. "The things that aren't really ours, aside from my ugly pajama pants, don't worry about it," Killian says. 

Regina clutches his hand tightly and he leads her off. 

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