Chapter Three

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I usually go for a quick cupcake when I need to get away from the office. 

Lately, I've been trying to take my mind off Ryan. I last saw him on Saturday evening and now it's Tuesday in the afternoon.

I buy two cupcakes, one chocolate cupcake because I know Jesse loves chocolate and a strawberry vanilla cupcake for me.

As I get to my office I don't see Jesse so I leave his cupcake on his desk and go into my office to eat mine. Hoping I don't get any on my new grey skirt.

Just as I'm sitting on my chair a frantic Jesse burst through my door and slams it after him.

"You could use the intercom or knock nicely." I smile at him sarcastically.

"You better have gotten me a chocolate one." He points to the pink box that contains my cupcake and continues with his rant, "I was downstairs gossiping when, Ryan, comes in and I hear him ask Lauren if you were in your office. So he'll be here any second. I saw the way Lauren looked at him so I know she's trying to flirt." He flaps his hand dismissively while my eyes go wide and my heart beats faster.

We hear a knock and Jesse whispers to me with his eyes wide. 

"That's him." I stand and shoo him with my hands.

Jesse opens my door and greets a very serious Ryan. 

He's wearing a black suit with a dark navy dress shirt and a black tie. His sandy brown hair is tousled to the side like if he's been running his hands through it, which makes me want to run my hands on his hair.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Stone." Jesse greets him, then turns slightly to me smirking, and turns back to Ryan. "Do you have an appointment with, Ms. Gold? She's rather busy today." 

I can hear the amused tone on Jesse and Ryan just stands there glaring at him, I try hard to contain my laughter so I smile.

"Jesse, please go back to work." I tell him sweetly and he turns to me pouting.

"I can sit on that couch rather quietly." He points to the couch in my office and I give him a bored look.

"No, you can't. Now leave." I tell him in a more stern voice.

"Fine, but I better see a chocolate cupcake on my desk." He walks away waving his finger in the air. 

He shuts the door behind him, and I'm alone with Ryan Stone.

He is staring at me intently and I have to remind myself to breathe. He rubs his bottom lip with his index finger and all thoughts go to me biting, licking, and kissing his lips.

After realizing where my thoughts were going I look at his eyes and there soft and caring, but still staring at me intently. I smile, hoping to make him smile and sure enough, he smiles and something inside me flutters.

"Hi." My smile grows bigger and he steps closer to my desk dropping his hand to his side.

"Hi." He goes around my desk that now he's only a few feet away from me, he hasn't lost his smile.

As he gets closer I can't help myself but to stand and reach for him and he comes willingly. 

I run my hands on his chest up to his neck and play with the ends of his soft hair. I look at his eyes and I see the softness in them and I smile big again, this man actually likes me for me

I get to hold him like this because he likes me, I somehow feel like I'm special for holding him to me like this. 

My heart keeps fluttering more rapidly at his closeness, he smells so nice. His hands on my waist start making their way to my back getting me closer to him and they're rubbing my back in soft gentle strokes. 

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