Seeds of Romance

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Chapter 6: Seeds of Romance


Korra and her friends were having a few drinks after a great show.

"Now to post this thing on their website and wait for the results," said Mako.

"As always Kora, you never fail to amuse the audience," said Bolin.

Korra took a sip.

"I'll drink to that," she said.

She heard some music outside.

"What is that?" she asked herself.

She went utside and saw Asami playing her violin.

"Asami?" she asked.

Leslie and Newton saw her.

"What are you doing ex-first chair?" asked Leslie, "Now that you've been thrown out of the orchestra you're gonna make your big debut as a street musician?"

"How sad," said Newton as he pointed to another band, "Looks like you're gonna have to wait til they're done with their performance."

"The great Ms. Sato, shot down by a group of performers that are superior," said Leslie.

Asami ignored them and continued to play.

"Hey, I said stop!" said Leslie as she grabbed her violin and put it in the case, "You think somebody's gonna cheer you up and give you any money for your shitty playing?"

"Like hell that's gonna happen," said Newton, "All you're doing is annoying everybody with that!"

Leslie threw the violin case at a wall but the violin was unharmed.

"When professor Cowan expelled you from the orchestra, he meant that you have no talent and you should stop playing violin!" said Leslie, "And if people see you, they'll still think you're part of our orchestra."

"If you really wanna play, do it where nobody can hear you!" said Newton, "Never let us catch you playing Violin again!"

Korra wouldn't stand for those bullies.

She did a waterbending move and trapped them both with ice.

She then did another move to push them into a pile of mud.

People saw and started to laugh.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" asked Newton.

"I'm your worst nightmare," said Korra, "Now beat it!"

"Whatever," said Newton, "C'mon let's beat it."

The two of them left.

"You ok Asami?" asked Korra.

"I'm fine, thank you," said Asami, "You sounded great up there."

"Well thanks," said Korra, "I'm happy you could make it."

The two of them smiled.

"Korra, I think we're gonna head in," said Opal, "We'll let you know if something's happening."

They all went in the van.

"So why are we leaving again?" asked Mako.

"You'll see," said Opal smiling.

Korra then looked at Asami.

"Well... if you're not doing anything later, I'd like to walk you home," said Korra.

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