Korra vs Desna

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Chapter 13: Korra vs Desna

(Disclaimer! I own nothing of Korra!)

Korra and Asami were walking into the music room with the orchestra.

"So you think you can do this?" asked Asami.

"Your training made it possible," said Korra, "But I am kinda nervous."

"Don't be," said Asami, "I know you'll do great."

She kissed Korra's cheek.

Korra blushed.

"Its adorable that you still blush when I kiss you," said Asami.

Korra stepped in and tuned her instruments.

She saw Desna tuning his guitar.

"I'm not letting you have that part," said Desna.

"Once you see what I'm made of, you'll wish you hadn't challenged me," said Korra.

Professor Cowan came in.

"Ok people let's put our instruments down for a minute," he said.

He turned on the radio.

A guitarist was playing an Eric Johnson tune, Manhattan.

"This is one of my students from a while ago," said Professor Cowan, "His name is Adrian Shawm."

Korra listened to the guitar playing.

"He was a student here once, and when he started he was struggling a bit because of his improvising," said Professor Cowan, "Yet he never gave up. Eric Johnson was his hero, and he used his methods to perform in various performances."

Korra was amazed at what the guitarist could do.

"No doubt the teachers and I were impressed," said Professor Cowan, "I just got word that he was accepted into a great grad school of music. I invited him to see us performing at this upcoming contest, and I figured an Eric Johnson tune would do."

He handed out sheets for another tune, Righteous.

"Now I'm gonna audition these two guitarists," said Professor Cowan, "Whoever manages to impress me gets to play the contest."

Desna got his instrument.

"Four bars of improve," said Professor Cowan, "1, 2, 3, 4..."

Desna played a little but he was stopped.

"Not quite what I'm looking for," said Professor Cowan, "I'd like to try Korra on this."

Korra plugged in.

"Maybe now is the time for Korra to earn this spot," said Professor Cowan.

He counted down and Korra started playing but missed a note.

"Nope I guess not," said Professor Cowan, "Desna."

He played a little but messed up.

"Korra," said Professor Cowan.

Korra played a little but she was stopped.

"GODDAMN IT!" he said, "Desna get your ass back on the amp."

He plugged up.

"We will stay her for as long as it takes until one of you performing monkeys can play this correctly," he said.

Desna played and missed a note.

"Looks like its gonna take us all day," said Professor Cowan, "Korra."

Korra played but she messed up.

"GODDAMN IT YOU TWO!" he shouted.

He took a deep breath.

"Sorry guys, hate to put you through this," said Professor Cowan, "If anyone needs to get a coffee or take a break, then now's a good time because we're gonna stay in this room until I find a guitarist who can play this fucking chart."

Korra's hands were starting to bleed a bit.

"You hear me you two, you better start giving me flawless runs!" said Professor Cowan, "Desna get your ass back on."

2 hours later, the two of them were still auditioning for the part.

Korra was doing some guitar runs and she was stopped.

"Is that really the best you got?" asked Professor Cowan, "No wonder that other college turned you down, get off the amp."

Desna plugged up.

"And here comes, the legend of the south pole himself," said Professor Cowan, "Unfortunately this isn't an ice cream contest, so can you just play faster than you can make a damn snow cone?"

Desna played the lick as fast as he could but then he messed up.

"Not even close," said Professor Cowan.

The audition was still going on and Professor Cowan wasn't impressed by either of them.

Korra started to plug up.

"Maybe its time to FINALLY bring this one home," said Professor Cowan, "What do you say?"

Korra played one of the runs on her guitar.

"Keep it up!" he said.

Korra kept going at it and didn't stop.

She was determined to out-do Desna.

Professor Cowan tried distracting her with a cowbell, but she wasn't phased.

"Don't stop!" said Asami, "You can do it!"

Korra kept going at it.

Professor Cowan tried distracting her with everything he had but she didn't stop.

He finally stopped her.

"Korra," he said, "You earned the part."

Korra finally took some time to rest.

"Asami, would you like to get her bandaged up?" he asked, "Then we can start."

After the rehearsal Korra packed up her things and grinned at Desna.

"Game over buddy," she said.

"Call time tomorrow is 12pm sharp," said Professor Cowan, "Give yourselves at least an hour in advance to get there. Or don't. I don't give a damn."

Korra was walking with Asami back to her dorm.

"You did great Korra," said Asami.

"Thanks," said Korra.

Asami helped support Korra as thye walked back.

Meanwhile Desna headed back to his dorm and explained everything to Kuvira.

"And that's what happened," he said, "Despite everything he chose her instead of me."

"Well, looks like we're gonna have to make a few 'adjustments' to Korra's schedule," said Kuvira.

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