(Bts) Kim Taehyung - New Realtionship (???)

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A/n: before you read, I added the question marks at the end of the title because I didn't know what to call it... back to the story now:

Park ChanYeol, or Park Chanyeol, my best friend, I met him when I was maybe 4 years old? I don't remember, but we've been friends since we were kids, I have a huge crush on him but, I thinks he likes someone else, I get sad just thinking about it but, I try to stay strong, so one day I went up to him and asked him about homework, but he was ignoring me, he was with this one girl the whole time, to be honest, I was jealous but, I won't show it, I mean, I should be happy he found someone, right? Whatever, I gave up on homework and him so I just left, I went to my locker and guys were surrounding me, "so I heard your boyfriend finally broke up with you" and I was confused, "boyfriend?" I say, but they just scoffed, "Chanyeol" the leader said, I was surprised that they thought that I was his girlfriend, "well, I'm flattered and all that you think I'm his girlfriend but, we're just friends" I say, even though I wish I was his, they smirked, "friends huh? Well then, if he is a friend then why did he get a girlfriend and never told you about it, they then showed my a video of Chen hugging a girl, I just slightly smiled, "it's ok, I mean, he's my friend, why wouldn't I be happy for him" I was trying to hold back tears until the bell rang, I snapped out of my thoughts and excused myself from the guys, I then went to class silently knowing that Chanyeol would just ignore me again, he was my only friend, when I got to class, the girl Chen was talking to this morning was in my seat, I was mad but I just walked to the back of the class because everyone else has their own spot, I went to the empty seat and put my head down on the desk, I then started to write in my journal, soon I noticed that a guy was sitting next to me and looking at my story and I quickly moved my journal out of the way and he looked sad, "whatttttt, I just wanted to see what you were doing, you are a good author you know? And I want to know what happens to the girlll!!! I mean, the guy is just so stupid!" He said, oh, I know him, he's the weird guy in the class, Taehyung? I think that was his name was, "um, I'll let you read it when I'm done" I say, he happily nodded and turned away to pay attention to class, anyway, I just left it there and putted my journal away.

~2 months later~

Me and Taehyung had gotten closer, of course he knows my crush on Chen, but he also knows that I kind of developed a crush on him, and I also know his crush on me, we kinda kept a policy of no lying to each other, during our first month of our friendship, he asked me out, I was shocked of course, but happy, I said yes and we're currently dating right now, "JAGI~!!!" I hear him call me, I turned to him and he hugged me, tight, "is it true that you're leaving me?!" He said worriedly, I was confused, "what? I would never leave you, I love you too much" I say to him, he pulled back and looked into my worried eyes, what could have gotten into him to think that I would leave him, he then hugged me again, "thank you for not leaving me" he said, "Tae, why are you acting like this?" I ask while he explained to me, "well, Chanyeol said that you would leave me for him because you were just using me to make him jealous" he pouted, "well then, we're just going to have to pretend then" I say as I pressed our foreheads together, "because I will love you no matter what and I want him to pay for making my TaeTae sad" I say closing the gap between us with a kiss.

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