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The day passed more slowly than expected. 

Fortunately, lessons ended early due to the highly anticipated match against Chillyon, one of the few teams that could compete with the Lions. 

I was happy to be able to go home early, because soon I would have to sit the difficult general knowledge exam with which Union Hills usually welcomed students at the beginning of each year. 

To my surprise, my mother was once again waiting for me, sitting on the front doorstep.

"As you can see, I wasn't joking when I told you that from today on I would be aware of your every move," she said, getting up without ever looking away.

"Mom, I'm not in the mood to talk," I complained, thinking about the call a few hours earlier. "Let me in, please. I have to study."

She waved a sheet of paper in her hand.

"14, Leaf Boulevard?" I read, frowning. "What's there?"

"Not what, but who," she said, folding her arms. "You have to be there in an hour and a half. Ask for Blaze, he's going to be your new boss."

"Boss?" I yelled, dropping my bag on the ground. "But I have to study!"

"You should have thought of that before stealing your dad's money and staying out all night."

"But I must have high marks for Silver Wings," I said, in shock.

She looked down.

"You're the only one who caused this punishment."

"Thanks. No, really, thanks!" I snarled, before hurrying off to my new job.

I arrived in under an hour. 

Number 14 was the corner of a large building that stood in a boulevard filled with stores of all kinds. 

Within a few seconds, I had already seen two clothing stores, a sushi joint and a place selling wigs.

 A yellow neon sign indicated to me that the place where I would work was called "Chillz". 

I went through the small green door, which when opened played a wind chime made of multi-colored iron birds, and found myself inside a shop full of CDs and vinyl. 

A strong smell of eggs and fish filled my nostrils as soon as the door closed behind me.

"Is anyone there?" I asked, looking at the empty counter. "I'm looking for Blaze."

No answer.

The store seemed to be inhabited only by the reggae music that came out of the speakers on one side. 

I was relieved by the possibility of being able to return home.

"Hey, there's no rush," said a man who suddenly appeared from under the counter.

I was open-mouthed. 

He looked frighteningly like Bob Marley except for a few wrinkles too many and a belly that was too big. 

He was holding a plate of food and a peculiar-smelling roll-up cigarette in his mouth.

"Do you want some ackee and salt fish?" he asked, indicating the dish.

"No, thank you, sir," I replied. "I'm here for the job. Angela Bloom told me that from today I work for you."

"You don't need to call me sir," he said, continuing to eat. "I'm not a king."

"All right," I said, sighing. "What should I do?"

"Whatever you want" he replied, shrugging his shoulders, which were hidden under a floral shirt. "Listen to some music, sleep, study. Oh, if a customer comes in, flutter your eyelashes and try to sell them a CD."


Just what I wanted.

The day passed quickly. 

At about eight o'clock, closing time, a boy walked in.

"Hey, man. Sorry I'm late, I had a game. Tell me you have the equipment I asked for, I need it for tonight."

"J-J-Jay?" I stammered.    

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________________________________________________________________________________How are things going to evolve now that Sarah met Jay?

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