Midwestern Toddler Recalls Writing Gone With The Wind

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From the time he was two years old, a Midwestern child named Lee insisted he had another house and another mommy. By the age of three, he began saying he was born on June 26 rather than his actual birthday, June 21. Lee claimed his middle name was Coe, he wrote movies for a living, and had a daughter named Jennifer. His sister asked him how old he was when he died and he promptly replied, "Forty-eight."

Lee’s curious parents relayed the titles of several movies to Lee, asking if he had written them. When they mentioned Gone With the Wind, Lee became enthusiastic. He eagerly claimed he wrote the film. 

After a quick Google search, Lee’s parents learned the writer of Gone With the Wind was named Sidney Coe Howard. Howard was born June 26, had a daughter named Jennifer, and passed away at forty-eight. As these details of Coe's life were unknown to Lee's parents, it's unclear how he knew them. This leaves reincarnation as a possible explanation. 

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