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my baby bump was starting to show and all i could think was all the embarrassment my kid would go through just because i messed up. i didn't want that. i sat in front of my camera preparing to record.

i pushed record and took a long breath.

"i know i've hurt many. i know my face has been plastered all over media. i know i messed up. i won't lie and say i apologize. i didn't feel sorry at first but i do now. im pregnant and it hurts to know my best friend won't be here to support me through this.

claudia, im sorry. i love you. i know i hurt you but you didn't deserve it. you don't have to talk to me but i do sincerely apologize.

jack, im very sorry. you didn't deserve it. i thought i loved you but i just loved the thought of having someone like you.

to everyone else, im sorry for leading you guys to believe i was the victim of a situation where i manipulated jack into leaving claudia. im sorry i put you all in a position to choose between me or claudia.  throughout the hurting of others, i didn't realize i was hurting myself the most because i ended up lonely.

im sorry"

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