Chapter 1 - My life in a nutshell

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It was still haunting me

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It was still haunting me. The day I met him. The day he became my best friend. The day I realized I was in love with him. The day I told him what I felt for him. The day he reciprocated my feelings. The day I kissed him. The day I went to his wedding. The day he promised me that he would never, ever leave me alone.

I still have the picture when I wanted to take one of him, as a memory. It was in his house at that point. It was just before we were supposed to go to the beach, weeks after I came from London the first time.

What amazing memories we had... he was trying to convince our group that he was a hunk and the girls that were attracted to him would flock around him. Like a moth to a flame. He also told us that he is very attractive and any girl would have died having him as a boyfriend. I was laughing really hard. And then he arrived so close, so close that our lips were touching. Then Arjun sneakingly took a couple of pictures, and then he gave it to with a big smile. I fell in love with Jug again, but he didn't know.

 I fell in love with Jug again, but he didn't know

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I was zoning out

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I was zoning out. I felt a void and that same void was killing me. I told him I was going on a work trip the next day. It was a lie. To be honest, I wanted to go away from him as far as I could so I didn't have to see him ever again. Later that day, he invited me to his wedding. I wanted to say no because I was packing all my stuff, but couldn't say no as he invited all of his friends and loved ones. I actually wanted to see him one last time.

Arjun, Ravi, Sajama, Anjali, and the gang knew what I was feeling.

Hurt. Angry. And completely in love with him.

The fact that he left me didn't hurt as much as he didn't trust me. He actually believed that I was having an affair with someone else when I was away. An affair with a guy called James. I had to go away suddenly because I had an emergency. My parents had an accident. Someone tried to kill my parents. I had to go and check it myself, especially my mum. I was there for about two months. Both my parents died after one month of struggling with the fight against their damaged bodies. I had to do their last rites and then come back. I had no choice as no one else from my parents' families came on that inauspicious day.

I had an idea of who had done this and she is going to regret it.

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