Chapter 7 - Always recycle

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I woke up at about 8

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I woke up at about 8.30 and went towards my bathroom to shower, when Ganga Tai tells me that there is someone that wants to meet me, and quite urgently. I said to her to give me 10 minutes, so I can get my shower done and come out clean.

During the shower, I was thinking of who could possibly be waiting for me outside. After I got done, I went into my room to put on my black tank top and a pair of cargo pants. I put my hair in a ponytail and got out of my room only to smack into someone.

Wow, this person's patience level is very low. They really are not calm people.

I look up to see my brother's girlfriend, Anamika waiting for me, along with my brother, Nikhil.

"What happened, Anamika? You look exhausted. And why are you here? Why are you both here?"

"Well, Didi you told me that we were going to have dinner last night, but you never showed up. So, excuse me for being worried about my elder sister!"

"Okay, okay it was my fault that I didn't tell you that I was not coming, but you could've called me, you know, instead of acting like an apeshit, younger brother."

"Actually, your brother called your friends in Goa, if they knew where you were

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"Actually, your brother called your friends in Goa, if they knew where you were."


"I told you Nikhil to not call them for no absolute reason. Why did you not listen?"

I sighed.

"I can't deal with this. Want to come to a club and get drunk?"

"Yeah, why not."

"No, Nikhil you are not going to get drunk and Di won't go to the club."

"Anamika, I..."

"Why are you dead set on not telling what you feel, Di? You have the same expressions and emotions every day."

"Well, there is a reason why but I am not ready to tell yet. And I know what you are talking about. It feels I am recycling my emotions. And, to be honest I am."

Always recycle.

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