Chapter 3 - the aftermath

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The next day I woke up with a ridiculously painful headache

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The next day I woke up with a ridiculously painful headache. It felt like my eyes were glued shut. The smell was revolting. I also realized that I was not in my bedroom. Because my alarm would have chewed my brain by now, and it's not happening right now, which is a blessing right now, otherwise I would have thrown that alarm on the wall.

Another important thing that I forgot to mention is that I was naked. A very important note is when I mean naked, I mean there is only the cover on top of me and there was no trace of the clothes that I wore the night earlier.

At that moment, Kiara comes in with some food, some aspirin, and a glass of water.

"Good morning Piya."

"Morning. Main yahaan kaise pauch gayi? As far as I remember, I don't think I had sex last night, did I? And did the guy disappear before I could ask questions?"

Kiara started giggling like a small, little girl. I saw the real Kiara.

"You are in my guest room. And the reason why you are naked is that you vomited quite a few times in the club, and you were crying so we decided to take you to your apartment, your home. But when we reached there, there was no one. So, instead, you are here. And your clothes are getting washed because they stank like shit."


"Here. I have made some breakfast for you. Then I can go into your apartment, get you some clothes and we can head off to work together."

"Did I do something stupid?" The only fear that I had, was to get pregnant by a stranger.

"No. Don't worry."

"Ehm... Piya? Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

"You were crying last night. What happened?"

I was trying to be calm, but all the images in my mind were making me crazy, so I snapped.

"Nothing that should interest you, Kaira!"

I lost my cool at that point. I didn't want to, but he was making my life very hard, without being a part of it.

"Look I am sorry. I don't want to talk about it. Is that okay?"

"It's chill."

"It's what, sorry?"

"It's okay, Piya. I didn't realize you were this old."

"What nonsense is this? Just because I don't understand one word that you said, it does not mean that I am old, okay."

This new language of acronyms and weird words will get me in big trouble. I hardly understand what they say. Can't you speak in a language that I can understand? No, make my life even harder than it already is. Oh my god, I was supposed to fly back to New York last night! Nick is not going to be happy about this.

"Come on, get ready! We have to go to work!! We cannot be late."

"Actually, I need to make a call. Can I have my phone back?"


As soon as I got my phone, I called Nick up.

"Hey Nick, how are you, buddy?"

"Buddy, my foot Riya! You told me that you were coming back last night!! I haven't slept all night because of you. Maria was telling me how much she misses spending time with you. Chase was missing you as well. He thought you were going to play with him."

"Yeah, I know Nick. I am so sorry. I know Maria is going to be really pissed at me, which is not wrong on her part. But I will make sure to make it up to you. But I am not coming back, at least not now."

"Fine. Just make sure that you actually turn up at the airport, and I won't be upset."


"Is he around?"




"Well, I hope he turns up in your life. Because you are a mess."

"I know. Anyway, I am sorry for troubling you. I'll call you later."

"Yeah, sure. I'd like that."

I know Nick. I know. I hope so too.

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