The sharp sound of clashing metal reverberates through the hot air. I force away the slight uncomfortableness of the heavy sword held in my hand, and lean forward to push myself against my opponents' matching blade.

"Tired already, Ana?" comments Julius as he notes my labored breathing. He smirks slightly as he pushes my sword away with his own and begins to circle around me. "But we've only just begun!"

If an hour of fighting could be counted as just begun, I mentally argue. With a small smile of my own, I twist the sword, rolling my wrist as I crouch slightly, ready for his next attack. "No, Julius. Unfortunately, the only thing I'm tired of is your snarky mouth."

My response gives me the desired affect as Julius let's out a jovial laugh. In a blink of an eye, I reach out with all of my might and clash swords with him. In the brief distraction, he was caught off guard, his sword plummeting to the ground behind him. Without a second thought, I swing my blade around, intending to bring the tip against his neck.

I don't make it that far.

Before the blade reaches his throat, there was a loud pop and suddenly, a stream of liquid could be seen traveling through the air from my peripheral. I realize too late what he's doing, and can only watch in annoyance as Julius maneuvers the water at an alarming rate towards my sword, knocking the weapon out of my grasp until it is floating between us, surrounded by and expanded bubble of water.

"That's not fair," I whine, gesturing towards my sword as it hung high between us, out of my reach. "You aren't supposed to be using your gift in combat!"

"Correction. I am not supposed to be using my gift in combat with you," he remarks with a half smile as he lifts his hand and lazily manipulates the water so that it is wrapping playfully around my pathetic weapon. I roll my eyes.

"You're a cheat."

"Am not."

"Yes, you are."


I sigh heavily in frustration and run a hand through my long, dark locks. "Julius," I say in a stern tone.

"Yes, Ana?" he wonders in faux incredulity, still playing with my sword above us. I look straight into his azure eyes, noticing how amusement lingers behind those innocent orbs.

"I hate you," I fathom with as much seriousness as I could muster. Of course, he sees right through me. As always.

"If by hate you mean love dearly, then you too." He chuckles and lowers his hand, the sword clattering softly on the grass beneath us while the water melts into the dirt.

I roll my eyes once more but can't stop the smile that has tugged at my lips. I'd been best friends with Julius for ten years now, ever since his family moved to our village when he was eight to help with the water problem we tend to experience. We'd met one evening during a Solstice festival when he'd thought it funny to drench the dark wig of my costume with water. Odd, to become friends with someone who picks on you, but it worked for us.

We've been inseparable ever since.

"Besides," says Julius as he bent down to retrieve our fallen swords. "You will need to prepare for elemental attacks against you in the Games. And I guarantee they won't go easy on you like I tend to do."

At the mention of the Games, my stomach clenches uncomfortably. The Games of the Gods. Both Julius and I had received letters from the Gods' Phoenix carriers three days ago. Whereas the former was filled with excitement, I could not stop the dread that instantly overcame me.

I knew I would not survive. How could I when I lacked elemental power? If my immediate death didn't come, the Gods would surely grow bored of a mere powerless mortal like myself, and whisk me out of their arena.

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