Stupid Cops and Stupid Deals

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Chapter Two- Stupid Cops and Stupids Deals

“Name?” came the clipped voice of the Suit sitting across the interrogation room’s cool metal table. True to his name, he was decked out in a black suit and tie. The thick file in his left hand currently hid his and his free hand tapped absently on the table.

“You know my fucking name.” I spat back. I hated every minute of this. Every minute I had to be in their presence.

He didn’t even bother to look up as he repeated, “Name.”

“I’m pretty sure Happy McGee over there used it when he arrested me,” I said nodding at the two-way mirror. I knew the ass-hat Detective Michaels who had arrested me stood just on the other side. “Or did I imagine that?”

He finally lifted his eyes from what was clearly my file. “I’ll tell you my name if you tell me yours.” This guy had to be new. No one with any experience could be this stupid.

“I couldn’t careless what your mama named you, Officer McClains.” I said as I rolled my eyes at his surprise. “You showed me your badge earlier you dumbass, you know the one with your name on it.”

He stood up abruptly, slammed his hands down on the table and brought his face real close to mine, “You want to play hard ball? Is that it? You don’t want me to get angry.” His breath hit my nose and I couldn’t help up scrunch my nose up digest. He seriously needed a mint and some better acting lessons. He didn’t look like he could play any sort of ball.

 “Yeah, yeah.” I said.

He just continued to make his threats, “I’m serious. If you don’t cooperate, I can make your life hell.”

“Oh scary.” I said sarcastily but the truth was, I was terrified. I wasn’t terrified of him so much the idea of the police and what I knew they would do. Then again, Officer McClains wasn’t what you would generally imagine a police officer to be. From the looks of him, the only thing Officer McClains could scare was a two year old. He was the least intimating person I had ever met. “Maybe you should get a new job, because you suck at this.”

His face turned an unnatural shade of red and his eyes burned in anger. “I’ll have you know, I am second in command of this branch.” He yelled.

What bullshit. “Congrats. Though I can’t imagine anyone who would be stupid enough to follow your orders.”

“Why you,” he snarled while grabbing the collar of my shirt and pulling an inch from his face. “When I’m done with you-“

“Put her down,” a suave voice interrupted Officer McClains and I whipped my head around to glare at the newcomer. Turns out he wasn’t that new. He looked exactly the same as he did two years ago. Same brushed back auburn hair, same navy blue suit, and I was almost positive he was wearing the same tie too. The ass-hat. Before I got the chance to think of all the other names I had for him, Officer McClains let go of my shirt and backed away from me.

 “I…uh… she was.” Officer McClains stuttered.

“I know what it’s like to deal with her but grabbing her is unacceptable. You are excused. Please inform Officer Michaels that he is also to leave with you.”

Officer McClains high tailed it out of the room and Mr. Suave took his seat. “In case you forgot our little encounter two years ago, I’m Detective Talen, but since were going to spending a lot of time together, you can call me Mark.” I met his eyes firmly, refusing to look away first. He easily met my stare and returned one of his own.

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