|Case Two|

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Chapter 2| The case of the infamous hold up.


I hopped out of my car in the parking lot and spoke loudly into the phone, as I grabbed the tray of Coffee's.

"Ma', Ill be over sunday for dinner. I promise. I just been busy settling into my new office and new apartment." They had rebuilt on the basement and we all have our own office. We all furnished the place and Zues brought a deckedout Computer and Projector setup inside the Layout Area, we all have our own chairs so when the case come in we are ready. We have linked phones, Ipads, and Bug for our ears. Hell, it all happened because we solved a case and the government dont like losing their money.

I pressed the elevator doors and I stepped on. As the doors closed,I heard, Alore screaming, "Hold it." I put my free hand in the way of the doors and it opened back up. In walked Alore, Savi, Zues, and Kali. They all went to grabbing a coffee from the Starbucks tray and Savi said, "Thanks man, Capt. Reign is tripping with this no coffee machine rule." Kali sipped the coffee and did a little dance. We all laughed and she said,"What? I needed this." She pressed the B for basement button and walked to towards the back of the elevator where them doors looked familiar to the day we came here last week. Zeus installed a new passcode button on this door, so we dont have to wait to open it from the other side. He typed in the seven digits and the doors opened. We walked in and Capt. Reign came running down the red carpet and said, "In the layout area now. We have an active case."

"Active as in its happening now?" I asked and he said, "Yea, we recieved a call from a cook on a Yacht in the middle of the ocean saying, "it has been a hostage takeover."

Kali sipped her coffee and said, "And who is on this boat?" We all took a seat and Zues walked over and pressed a few buttons on a keyboard and Captain Reign said,"150 retired F.B.I agents, but the cook said that only the lunch room is being held for hostage and a party of 10 was in there."

Zues responded, "Okay, we cant narrow these 150 faces down, because everyone of them have one billion enemies."

Alore added, "Dont the ship have like an internary of whats going on today. Maybe that lunch is on it and can share some detail about what ten retired FBI agents are in there." Zues gasped, "Hold up." He went to typing away and I looked at Captain Reign and he said, "A helicopter is being sent by my boss as we speak to take yall to go handle this. Be ready." Savi pulled out his gun and said, "Im ready."

I said, "Where is this boat located?"

"Off Crew Island. About 20 miles west."

"Well, I want you to get us boat. I peeped it said Ambition Cruise line. Their Lunch areas are on the top floor. If we pull up on a scene in a damn copter they will know they have been tipped off and start killing people. Do we have contact with that cook?"

"Not as far as I know. The Audio cut off after he said how many people are there."

Kali said, "how long ago was that call?"

"35 Minutes ago?" He told her. She said, "Maybe its for ransom. Ransom calls are usually an hour after it begun. If it was about revenge, The cruise would have been--"

Zeus cut her off, "I hacked into the Cruise mainframe. The internary doesnt show a lunch for todays plans, however, I maybe able to hack into a-wait. Look." He pressed a button and the cameras from the cruise on each of its wall projected into the room of the lunch room.

"Any Audio, Dexter?" Savi and I asked at the same time. We shared a look and I stood up as Zues responded, "No." I said, "Run this video through facial recognintion."

It was ten mature or older people lined up against the back wall and 4 masked men in all black with AK-47's.

A message popped up on the screen, "One face recognised. Artie Jones. Retired FBI agent. 53. Its his birthday today."

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