|Case Nine|

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Chapter 9: The case of a day off. (Part 2)


"We need to contact the upstairs offices. Most likely they are all closed down. Mr.Barker was involved sooo is indubitably." I told team as Savi replied, "No need for big words...we have 1 hour and 23 minutes until they are robbing the National Bank. This makes no sense. They was the same men that killed Jacob's parents. What brought them back out?" Everyone went quiet. I stared over at Alore and then Jacob.

I exhaled, "Okay...I kind of access the redacted files to this case—being Barker was apart of this he got that alert and jumped the gun." I didnt want to throw them under the bus. Captain Reign banged at the desk and snapped, "Why? Why would you be looking into a closed case."

"A cold closed case—and for me." Jacob added. Alore interjected, "This is all irrelevant. We need to get out of here and over to this bank—."

"Not to interject you, but thats what they want. They are expecting us to arrive, run in and be slaughtered. You never attack someone on their home field. Barker betrayed me and I want to see him pay, so we need to be smart." Sonya added. I spotted Alore giving her a death stare.

Kali laughed, "Please dont tell me you are suggesting to let them rob this bank. They showed their faces—they will disappear off the face of the earth. However, you arent wrong about the home field shit." Everyone went quiet and an idea popped into my head. I gasped and rushed over to my office. I pulled my Asian rug from the floor and Jacob followed.

"You are a fucking genius. The sink hole." Jacob replied. I smirked and exhaled, "My office had this huge sink hole during first week. They just placed this metal plate on top. It leads under the city. I got the blueprints of this tunnel easily sketched into my brain from my office."

"Ofcourse you would, Dexter." Savi added. We shared a quick look. I exhaled and stood up, "We are the only people to know about this attack. It will take roughly an hour to get to Crimson Blvd. Thats like a ten minute run from National Bank. That means no time to contact any tac teams. They wont expect this."

Kali replied, "So your plane is to beat them to the bank and do what exactly?"

"hideout inside the bank—catch them by surprise." Jacob added.

"It could work." Savi and Sonya said in unison.

"All hands will need to be on deck. Ill stay back when the virus is broken to alert tac teams to go out there. Mount up." Capt told us as we rushed towards to the Gun Vault and Kali wasnt moving. Alore turned around and replied, "Ms.Dream what are you doing?"

She exhaled and confessed, "I cant. I have another life to protect. Ill stay back and make sure the tac teams and that you guys are following the rigt tunnels."

"George is fine—cmon girl." Savi added. Suddenly, he gasped and then it clicked in my head.

"You are pregnant?" I asked her and she smiled and all of us rushed back to her.

"R.E.D first babyyy." I cheered for her and she laughed, "Okay guys we can do this after you save New Yorks Stock and economy." She told us and she was right.


I hopped down into the tunnels and clicked on the flashlight. Zues started leading us. Alore fell back and walked next to me. She whispered, "How are you?"

"Good." I lied. She stared over at me and I exhaled, "I mean I just never thought this would drop in my lap like this and what pisses me off is that all it took was to look into this. Perrington and Barker was behind this since the beginning. Now I think it was just more than my Dad being killed at a robbery. I think he figured out who Ameen Cooley was working with and he had to go."

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