My Jinki (SHINee Ficlet)

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When the doorbell rang at ten thirty at night, I couldn’t believe it. The idiot who decided it was a good idea was definitely going to get it. At least that’s what I thought before I opened the door.

My anger left me to be replaced by pure concern at seeing Onew standing on my doorstep in the rain, water dripping heavily from his clothes. My heart nearly stopped when I saw the slight puffiness of his eyes. I pulled him inside before running off to grab a bunch of towels, not saying a word to him. When I got back, I pulled his coat off for him and threw it on the hanger by the door. I put two towels on the couch before pushing him lightly onto it.

When he didn’t even try to resist my movements, my heart almost broke for him, and I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to make feel this way. As I slowly dried his hair with yet another towel, he dropped his head slightly and I heard quiet sobbing start up. I pulled the towel away when I was done drying his hair, but when I went to walk away he hugged me around the waist and rested his head on my stomach.

He sobbed louder and I felt warm tears soak into my shirt as he let everything out. I hugged his head slightly and stroked his hair gently, swaying gently and whispering, over and over, the words, “It’s okay, Jinki. I’m here. You’re not alone.”

When he quieted I gently pulled him away to look at him. A small smile finally came onto my face when I watched his breathing finally come evenly as he slept. I shifted him over slightly and laid him gently onto the couch, pulling a blanket from the seat next to it and draping it over him. I lifted his head slightly before placing a couple of the dry towels under his head for a pillow.

I sat down next to him on the floor and rested my arms on the couch. I dropped my chin onto my arms, watching him sleep, and sighed, “What happened Jinki? Why did you walk here in the rain? You shouldn’t make others worry like that.” A silent tear made its way down my own cheek as I watched a tear fall from my poor Jinki’s own closed eye. Every time I blinked, my eyes grew more tired, my mind more wary, until eventually everything went black as I slipped into a deep sleep.

All I dreamed of that night was a smiling Jinki, the one that everybody knows and loves.

But the Jinki I fell in love with is the one right here, asleep on my couch by my side, after he came to me crying, about who knows what. The Jinki I love is the one that pours his heart out to me whenever he’s down, and doesn’t hold anything back. That’s the Jinki I know. That’s the Jinki I love. When he we wake up, I’m going to tell him just that.

Jinki, you’re loved no matter what, so let it out and don’t build a dam that will crack and eventually burst, because when it does, I won’t know what to do. Just know, that I love you.

My Jinki (SHINee Ficlet)Where stories live. Discover now