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I pulled into the lot of the studio. I had been informed that this would be the hardest job I'd ever take. It made sense with how much money I was being paid. Especially since they were the biggest boy band in the world at the moment.

I opened the door to my car, exiting and making my way over towards the building. It was a bit chillier today than usual. Maybe because I was adorned in my dance clothes: a pink tank top that may have fallen a bit lower at the top then I was comfortable with, hair pulled back in a pony tail, black yoga pants, and dance shoes.

I made my way inside the studio and was immediately welcomed by a tall man. He directed me into another room where the boys would be hanging out.

Walking inside, I halted as I saw Harry and Niall, both shirtless, playing ping pong. Louis, Zayn and Liam were all playing some kind of video game in the corner of the room. The door slammed behind me as it closed and they all looked up at me.

"Hi." I said awkwardly. They all walked over to me introducing themselves and asking if I was the new choreographer. Once they all took their places again, continuing to play their games I turned around to leave the room only to hear my name called.

I turned around to see Harry staring back at me.


I smiled back at him. He seemed polite.

"Is there a place where I can sit? You know to come up with some things?"

He nodded, leading me out of the room. As we walked down the studio, Harry turned back to look at me multiple times. I couldn't tell if it was because he wanted to make sure I was still following him or something more. We finally entered another room. It was a tad bit smaller only holding a couch, a television and a few tables.

I sat down on the couch opening up my stuff. I expected Harry to leave but instead he sat down next to me.

"You're very pretty." I looked at his so he knew I heard his comment, then I looked back down at the ground. I didn't want him to see the heat that has risen to my cheeks.

"Thank you." I wiggled my toes inside my shoes. "So I hear you guys are really bad dancers."

"Yeah, I really don't know why they hired you. We're pretty horrific. But maybe you can help me. You know, teach me privately." He winked scooting closer towards me. His arm was then wrapped around me pulling me towards him.

I had no clue what was happening. I had just met the boy and now I was sitting on a couch with him.

"Umm. . .well I think I'm gonna teach all of you."

"If you had to get in bed with one of us, who would it be?"

I was shocked. He was completely flirting with me, in a strange way, but one of the biggest singers in the world liked me, so why not go for it.

"I think Niall."


"I mean, you're alright but Niall! He'd be really good. Look at him! You can just tell."

Harry laughed, shaking his head at me. He knew I was only kidding but I also knew he wanted me to admit what he wanted to hear.

"You don't think I'm any good?"

"You're probably amateur."

"Amateur?" He pretended like he was offended.

"What? Like 4 inches? Not very experienced?"

"Complete opposite." He winked.

"I don't believe you."

"Then you're just going to have to take a spin."

My heart was beating in my mouth and I had nothing more to say. Fortunately I didn't have to, as I heard my name being called. The door to the room opened as the same tall guy who I had seen when I walked in was standing there.

"Oh god. Harry? What are you doing to the poor girl? She just got here." He just chuckled in response. It was the cutest thing that I'd ever heard.

"What's up?" I asked ignoring what he said to Harry.

"We're gonna start." I nodded and stood up, Harry doing the same. We made our way out of the room and to the dance room.

* * *

"Okay we're gonna start out with something simple. This is for the opening. So you're going to come up on your platforms, arms down like this, and your hands in fists."

They nodded, copying what I was doing.

"Then you're going to step off your platform, walk to your microphone on the beats and Harry, you start signing. So try that and just pretend to sing."

They walked back and stepped on their platforms, pretending that they just came up, their hands were balled in fists and they walked forward.


I groaned. Harry was so immature. The rest of the rehearsal went the same way. I tried to teach the boys something and they all came up with some way to screw it up.

* * *

I sat in my dressing room in my bra and underwear. I was sweating bullets after practicing. The boys were more of a handful then I had assumed they'd be. My phone was taken out from my bag as I opened up tumblr.

I was too consumed in my blogging to hear the door open.


My head snapped around to see Harry staring at me wide eyes. Shit. My first instinct was to cover up. I grabbed a blanket from the couch and quickly threw it over me.

"What are you doing?" I snapped at him. He looked bewildered. Unable to say anything. "Get out!"

He just stood there. Face extremely red, feet planted to the ground.

"You're incredibly hot," he said making his way towards the couch. I bit my lip. He sat down next to me, not seeming to care that I was half naked with a blanket over me.

The feeling right now was surreal. I never pictured myself in this place before. His eyes burned into mine and he sighed. I could feel my heart speeding up at he inched closer to me.

"Harry, I'm not dressed. You should go out."

"Give me a private lesson, Beautiful."

"I can't just-"

"Harry? Mate where are ya?" Niall's voice was heard from another room. Soon the door opened and he walked in looking at the situation. "Did you guys just. . ."

"No!" I snapped. I never thought I'd be in this situation. I gripped even tighter to the blanket holding it to myself. I didn't know what to do. I could either just sit here while Harry and Niall continued their extremely boring conversation or I could quickly get up and make an exit.

I chose the latter. The blanket was wrapped around me as I grabbed my clothes and ran towards the bathroom. As I walked in, I locked the door and dropped the blanket. My mind was racing faster then it ever had before. I changed into my skirt and lacy mint top.

I heard my name being called as I walked out of the dressing room. I stood there as the boys sat in a circle on the ground talking.

"So Harry has a little crush," Niall mocked making Harry blush. It was a cute color on him.

"She's hot."

My heart beat fast with his words. It still amazed me that they were yet to see me, but they were too involved in their conversation.

"Ask her out on a date!" Zayn got my heart beating faster. I didn't know what I would say if he did. He was certainly appealing. I didn't want the hate. Every girl who seemed to even be looking at Harry got hate. Their fans were intense and violent.

"I'd be too scared to." He paused, looking down at his hands. "What if she's say no?"

I came out from the door and stepped behind the couch.

"Well what if I said yes?"

Harry Styles One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now