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I had never done anything remotely bad. I was always known as the good girl in my circle of friends. I was a prude. Unlike the others, I'd never had sex, I never drank. It was against the law for us. I was 19 and in America that's illegal. My friends didn't seem to give a crap about the law. I never cursed. At least not in front of people. I never did any drugs or smoked. The 'leader' of my group, Ally, decided to try all of the above and obviously the others followed her lead.

Tonight was going to be different. As we sat under the light outside the café playing 'truth or dare,' I knew I was going to lose at least some innocence. Bridget was up first. She picked 'dare' after a moment of thought. Her dare was to flash everyone walking by. She did it with no problem. One of the boys on a bike whistled at her.

After rounds of stupid dares and me picking truth, I finally decided to try a dare. I was nervous to say the least, but I wanted to show these girls that I wasn't just some innocent prude. If they wanted me to go hook up with a guy . . . I would figure out how that works and then do it. I wasn't prepared at all for what my dare was.

"Go rob the café." My eyes widened.

"Wha-" I was in shock. All the other dares were just stupid but this could get me in tons of trouble. No. Not could. It would. It most definitely would, but I had to prove to these girls that I'm not a goody two shoes.

"Go into the café, go to the cash register, and take the money." I nodded hesitantly at the five girls.

Slowly, I made my way towards the closing café. The workers were locking up as I barged past them.

"Excuse me miss," said one of the ladies, "this shop is closing."

I had to think fast. Pushing both workers out of my way, I ran inside. I looked around before jumping over the counter.

"Call 911!"


I quickly opened the cash resister taking out all that I could carry. Stuffing the money in my pockets, I made my way to the doors. I halted as I saw them being blocked by the two workers. They locked the doors keeping me inside. I had to think fast. Get out of here before the police arrived.

The back door! I made my way through the tables and came across a black door. My hands made their way to unlock it. I sprinted outside, only to run into a body.

"Where did you think you were going?" I looked up to see a rather attractive male in a police uniform. Crap. I've been caught.

"I's not what it looks like."

"Sure it isn't." His British accent was evident in his voice. He reached into my pockets grabbing the money. He took my arms and pushed me forward moving me to the front of the building returning the money back to the workers. I looked around for my friends but they were no longer in site. Did they set me up?

I turned around to glance at the cop. The shop lights illuminating his face. He had curls that were sticking out from his hat and gorgeous green eyes. I was pushed up against his vehicle as I realized what he was doing.

"No...please." I felt the handcuffs click in place. He turned me around to face him.

"I'm taking you to jail. You can have one phone call and hope someone bails you out." This couldn't be happening. My parents wouldn't have the money.

"Officer...Styles..." I said looking at his badge. "Look. It was a dare. I've never stolen before-"

"That's no excuse." I sighed. Are you kidding me? If I hadn't listen to my 'friends' I wouldn't be getting arrested right now.

Officer Styles opened the door to the back and pushed me in shutting the door behind me. The seat was extremely uncomfortable and I couldn't seem to find the seatbelt, not like I'd be able to buckle myself in anyway. He opened his door and drove off.

"I. . .I didn't mean to."

"Of course you didn't." He didn't seem to understand at all.

"Officer Styles.. err...what's your first name?" I asked.

"I don't think we should be on a first name basis." I rolled my eyes. Well he was a jerk.

"Would you just listen?" I snapped. He stayed quiet. "I'm an innocent person. I've never done anything bad I've never done drugs, I've never drank, I've never stole-"

"Until now"

I brushed of his comment. "I've never had sex-" he scoffed. "What?"

"You've never had sex?" He ask not seeming to believe me.


"I don't believe you."

"Why not?" I asked.

"You're too pretty." I blushed. I'm glad he wasn't looking at me because that would have made it ten times worse.

"Well I haven't. I'm innocent in every way, so that's why when my so called friends and I were playing truth or dare and they dared me to steal from the café, I felt like I had to. I couldn't be a wimp. I had to show them I could do something." Styles stayed quiet for a bit.

"I'm sorry. Peer pressure sucks." I nodded even though I didn't know if he was looking. "When I was a bit younger than you I had a group of friends that didn't do the best things. They convinced me to go to a party one night and I got drunk. I made the mistake of driving home and I crashed the car. My parents were pissed. They told me to get job so I became an officer. Ironic, right?"

I nodded.

"After that I've never done a bad thing."

"How old are you?" I asked. I know it was probably the stupidest thing to say after he just spilled a deep story to me but I was wondering.

"Twenty two." He sounded like he was in deep thought. "Where do you live?"


"Where do you live."

"89 Hanover Drive. Why-"

"I'm going to bring you home." I smiled. I wasn't going to be arrested! He turned the car around and I crashed into the side.


"It's fine." Officer Styles wasn't the best driver but I was happy he was driving me home. The surroundings started to become familiar as he made another turn.

As we finally made our way to my house he stopped the car and took off my handcuffs.

"I'm Harry by the way," he said extending his hand. I reached for it and shook it. He had giant hands, an attribute which I found funny in comparison to my tiny ones.

"Nice to meet you Harry." He smiled at me showing off pearly white teeth and two prominent dimples. I returned the smile. I turned around going to make my way inside.

"Hey, wait!" Harry called out. I spun around to see him making his way towards me. He handed me his phone with a new contact opened. "Can I have your number?"

I nodded shyly before typing in my number. Handing him back his phone, our eyes made contact the whole time.

"I'll see you soon." He winked as he made his was to the vehicle. I began to make my way inside as I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled it out seeing a call from a new number.

"Hello?" I asked confused.

"Hi." Said an all to familiar voice. I smiled opening the house door not prepared for my full night on the phone with Harry.

Harry Styles One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now