Cassettes, Records, Cds, and Digital Music.

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So ya wanna sell ya music?
Your first thought might be Spotify, Pandora, Soundcloud, or ITunes.
Just search up, "How to put my own music on ITunes." There will be tons of websites. (That you have to pay for, obviously)
But, if ya wanna do it the Profesional way, ya have to go to the Apple website. (Link: )
You should do that when your band is more well known.
Or maybe your first thought was CDs.
This is something you can do at home.
Find some CDRS.(Compact Disk Recordable) If you don't have any at home, you can go to CVS or sumthin. You can buy 5 for a low price. They usually come with cases, but those are very fragile. Try making a Sleeve-Case out of a cereal box or somethin.
Now, hop onto your computer,and put your CDR in.
Then, just burn your songs onto the disk. (If you're making a single, you need 2 or 3 other songs.)
You can also get your CDS made professionally, but it'll cost a lot.(Maybe,If you find a good deal online, I applaud you.) So, just stick with the home-made option for now.
Or, Maybe you thought Vinyl first.
Vinyl isn't dead. Your parents have them, your grandparents have them, even your band-obsessed niece has them. You can't make vinyls at home. So, you'll have to get them made "professionally". Find a good deal online, so you aren't broke by the end of the month.
And hey! Cassettes are also an option.
Thrift around, and dig around the house for cassettes. Tape over the little holes, so you can tape over it. Cover the pre-made sleeve with ya own. After your music's done playing, just record air.
Or not.
There's also all Cassette companies, too.

Don't let the music industry die. It's good to have physical music in your hands.

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