chapter one: two pink lines

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maya hart opened the door to the nighthawk diner and walked to the counter, where a young sixteen-year-old-looking girl with dirty blonde hair, that was tied up into a ponytail, stood, smiling. maya recognized her from all the times she and her friends had been here. the girl's name was abbey, and she went to their school. she was only a year ahead of them, a senior. maya smiled at abbey and she smiled back, giving her a little wave. maya heard her name being called from behind her and turned around to see her friends - riley, farkle, zay and her boyfriend, lucas. they all sort of waved at her and then she ordered a milkshake, two cake slices and a muffin, oh, and a cherry cupcake. when she finished ordering, she thanked abbey and went to sit next to lucas in the booth. he smiled when he saw her and they shared a quick peck on the lips, making their friends gag. the couple laughed and riley said, ''are you guys ready for school tomorrow?'' everyone at the table - except farkle - groaned. maya laughed and said, ''i can't believe christmas break is over! i don't want to go to school!'' lucas draped an arm over his gorgeous girlfriend- and kissed her forehead. 

''oh, come on, you know deep inside, you want to go back to school.'' Maya giggled that adorable giggle that lucas absolutely adored. the couple smiled at each other and shared a kiss, making all their friends gag again and say, ''oh, get a room you two!'' the whole group busted out laughing, but stopped when their orders finally came. abbey smiled at each of them as she handed them each their breakfast. once she handed maya her plate, she immediately began devouring the two cake slices, and then she moved on to the muffin. she was about to take a bite of the cupcake, when she felt her stomach turn knots and bile rise in her throat. without much thought, she put a hand on her stomach and raced to the nearest bathroom she could find. she could hear her friends calling her name, but all she could think about was not vomiting in front of everyone. soon, she thought she heard heels clicking behind her as she pushed the bathroom door open and an empty stall. there, she leaned over the toilet bowl and began to vomit everything she had just eaten. she felt someone pull her hair back in a ponytail and riley's voice say, ''oh, peaches.'' while smackle just sighed. two minutes later, all that came up was bile and maya rested her head on the wall, while riley and smackle just watched her, neither one knowing the true reason she was 'sick.' 

''peaches, are you sure you're okay?'' riley questioned, as the gang walked maya home. she tried to tell them that she was fine, but they kept pestering her and would't leave her side. when they made it to maya's house, they all decided to stay and watch a movie, even though she told them hundreds of times she preferred being alone. after debating on which movie to watch, they finally picked bambi. throughout the movie, maya kept getting super emotional and snuggled into lucas as much as she could. nobody thought anything of it, though, since it was pretty normal for maya to get emotional during movies. especially when the involved animals. when the movie was over, they watched a few more and played some games, until maya got tired and everyone had to go home. once everyone left, maya raced to her bedroom and flipped through her calendar, which was hanging on the wall. It read January 3rd. she then went back to a few weeks and last month. she gasped when she saw that she was late. 

maya paced around her bedroom for what felt like the tenth time that sunday evening. she didn't know if the decision she was about to make was a good one: but she needed to know. ever since the night of riley's party, she hasn't been feeling well, and she had a perfectly good reason for that. however, she needed to be 100% sure that her suspicions were right. after much thought, she gathered her things and left a note for her mother on the kitchen table. as she walked to the drug store, she couldn't help but wonder what her parents would say about this. or even what lucas would say, would he still be with her? as she approached the drug store, she took a deep breath and whispered, ' Well, here goes nothing.'' she puffed out her cold cheeks and went inside. the drug store was close to empty, and there were only two cashiers - a girl who didn't look much older than 16, with chestnut colored hair and a soon-to-be-mother sized belly. maya placed a hand on her nonexistent belly and felt a tear roll down her cheek. she didn't want to think that she would be a teenage mother. she didn't want to turn out like her mother. as she walked around the different isles, she finally came upon the one that was every 17-year-old's nightmare. the row stacked up and down with different pregnancy tests, all lining the rows. she sighed as she saw the ones that promised to be ''99.99%'' accurate. maya checked the price, and luckily, they were pretty within her price range. she grabbed three and walked to the back, with the coolers, that had water bottles and grabbed one. 

she walked back to the cash register with the pregnant teenager, who just gave her a pitiful look. maya shrugged it off and handed her the three pregnancy tests, along with the water bottle. as she was getting her wallet, the cashier turned around and grabbed a pack of mints and said, ' Just in case, they really help with the nausea. also, i'm sorry.'' maya faked a smile and paid, then walked to the back of the store, where the bathrooms were. she drank the water and did as the instructions said on the pregnancy test box. then she set a timer on her phone and waited, anxiously. five minutes felt like hours, and when the timer finally went off, maya hesitated before looking at the stick, which showed two pink lines. maya felt her heart shatter. She didn't want to believe it. she remembered in health class, the teacher had said that pregnancy tests weren't always accurate, so she opened the second one and repeated the same as before. once the five minutes were up, she couldn't believe her eyes. two pink lines. after finding the strength to take the last test, she quietly hoped she wouldn't be pregnant. five minutes felt like hours until, eventually, the timer went off, and maya's heart shattered completely. she couldn't believe it: two pink lines. 


so new lucaya fan fiction:) i know i'm still working on hope is for suckers and maya's memoir, but i am just really excited for this fan fiction, especially since i have been inspired by other ffs that i have read recently. i hope you will enjoy this as i am working very hard on it.! :) 

-mimi <3 

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