chapter five

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After days of waking up to a fit of giggles and attempted tickling, I suspiciously wake up to complete silence. Worried as to why it's so quiet, I quickly get up and hurry downstairs to see where Lily and Tommy are. Upon searching the house, I find a small note written by my dear old friend:

Mornin Ez,
We went out to the market and ye looked so peaceful sleeping, so we decided not to wake ye. We'll be home sometime this evening.
Lily & Tommy

I let out a big sigh, now knowing that they're okay. Other than a few other people, they're the only ones I truly care about. I don't know what I'd do if something were to ever happen to them. I grab the note and quickly run up to my bedroom. Once I get there, I stuff the note into my satchel and begin to get dressed. As soon as I have my own nod of approval, I make my way downstairs. Before stepping out the door, I grab an apple from the kitchen. I make my way down the street, tossing the apple back and forth between my hands, wondering where to head to next.


James POV

As I make my way over to the Old Avery, I notice Anne talking to someone. Upon further inspection, I see that the man is, in fact, Edward Thatch, otherwise known as Blackbeard. I calmly go and sit down at one of the old wooden tables and begin to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"So you'll watch over her while I'm gone, Lass?" Edward quickly whispers to Anne. Watch over who, I wonder? I don't know of any woman Blackbeard is currently infatuated with.

I continue to listen only to hear Anne sigh and reply in a hushed voice saying, "I highly doubt she will even need my help, Thatch. You know she's perfectly capable of handling herself."

"Aye, I know, Lass." He says. "It's just she's known for stirring up trouble, which she no doubt will do when I'm gone." He adds, giving her a knowing look.

"Well, That lass knows I'm here for her, if ever she be needing my help" Anne says, ending the conversation. In the corner of my eye, I slowly see Thatch leave the tavern and make his way over towards the docks.

I'm still curious as to what they were talking about, so I decide to make my way over to Anne, to investigate. As I walk over, I give her a knowing smirk and ask, "So what was that all about, Lass?"

She gives me a quick glare, as to scold me for eavesdropping and my smirk widens. "Since I know yer not going to leave me alone, until you know the truth, I suppose I'll have to tell ye." She says, but then quickly adds, "but ye have to swear not to tell another soul or we're both dead, James!"

Seeing the serious look on her face, my smirk drops and I quickly assure her by saying, "I promise."

Once she knows that my lips are sealed, she hastily looks around to make sure no one is listening. "Okay, so ye might not know this, but Blackbeard has a daughter." She says in a hushed whisper. I look up at her, shock written all over my face. How could he have hidden a child from all of us, over all these years? How is it none of us have never heard this piece of information? I mean someone has to have seen her before. Secrets rarely stay secrets, when you're in this profession. "I know." She quickly says, " I didn't even believe it when I first found out, but then I met her and she was exactly like her-"

"You met her!" I quickly snap, "and ye didn't even bother to tell me!"

She quickly looks around noticing people looking over. "Hush your voice, lad! Someone will hear ye!" She furiously whispers, "and it's not like I had any other choice! Blackbeard made me swear not to tell anyone."

"Well there's something else ye failed to do." I said under my breath, causing her to give me another glare. Seeing her reaction caused me to smirk.

Subtle Waves • James Kidd/Mary ReadWhere stories live. Discover now