chapter nine

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No longer wanting to feel like a complete stalker, I decided to make my way back to my ship. I immediately noticed my entire crew patiently waiting for me on the main deck. Obviously, they were just being prepared in case we decided to leave the harbour this evening. 

"Ye all have one more night here in Kingston, Lads! If all goes as planned, we'll be leaving tomorrow evening." I quickly yelled out, before making my way over to my quarters. Behind me, I could hear the crew laughing and cheering, as they get another night to get drink. After hearing most of them leave the ship and make their way out to shore, I decided to have a quick cat nap. Before flopping onto my bed, I decided to take my corset off, as it was very tight and, therefore, uncomfortable. The things a lass will do for beauty, I suppose. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.


By the time I woke up, the sun still hadn't set, so I concluded that I was only asleep for maybe half an hour. Surprisingly, that nap gave me a nice boost of energy. I got up, rather quickly, and began to run a brush through my hair. Then I slipped back into my corset and threw on my long, dark leather coat, before making my way out to shore. 

Once there, I noticed people beginning to enter their houses, as the sun was starting to set, which meant that it would soon be dark. Making my way down one of the streets, I noticed a shadow move in the corner of my eye, in one of the back alleys. It could have easily been my imagination, but checking it out wouldn't hurt. I try to stay as quiet as possible as peek around the corner. I see a figure sneaking and I realize that they don't yet know that I'm following them. I follow the person in and out of streets for about five minutes, before I realize who it is. "What are you up to, Kidd?" I softly whisper. He leads me out to a giant windmill, so I decide to take cover in a nearby bush. After observing him, I notice that he's looking around for someone, but also trying to remain hidden at the same time. He began to stare off towards a heavily guarded piece of property, which, I could only guess, was Laurens Prins infamous manor. Ah, so it seems he's going after Prins soon. I wonder what he's waiting for now? I've seen the way he fights and I know he could easily creep onto the property without anyone noticing, so what's he waiting for? Looking out, I can finally understand why he's waiting. The bells. If a guard even thinks something seems suspicious, he'll immediately ring the alarm to bring in more reinforcements. That will only make the situation even more difficult. James is probably waiting for Edward to come assist him with that, but who knows when that'll be? Kenway does not seem like a very punctual man, so James could end up waiting a while. Those lads seem to have quite a strange relationship, if i do say so myself. It's like they're good friends, but they hate each other. I suppose I cannot judge though, seeing as the only friends I have are Anne, Lily, and Tommy. After waiting for about fifteen minutes, I begin to get impatient. James looks calm, like he doesn't give a damn when he'll show up. I envy that. Being patient has never been one of my strong suits. I like things done in a quick and timely matter. Plus, sitting in a bush is not comfortable at all. I have sticks stabbing me in places where sticks should not be stabbing me. Suddenly, James leans off the wall of the windmill and begins climbing up. While he's distracted with climbing, I decide to sneak off onto the property. Kenway is taking far too long, so I'm going to do it instead. How hard could it be?  

When I get to the bush, I first notice two muscular guards, walking together up and down their designated post. I wait for them to turn around and walk in the opposite direction and, when they do, I stealthily sprint out and stab them both with daggers in the back of their skulls. Normally, I'd just harm them to the point where they can't fight back, but this time I was not taking that chance. These huge men would definitely squash me like a bug, if I didn't take them out in the first shot. Then I quickly crawled into the tall grass, to hide myself. Looking to the other side, I spot my first bell, but there is a guard standing watch. Mind you, he is smaller, but being small also means you move quicker, so I have to approach this with caution. I purposely make a shuffling sound in the grass to draw the man over here. If anything, he probably just thinks it's a small animal looking for food or shelter, but either way he will have to investigate or he risks losing his job. He begins to slowly walk into my direction and, just before he detects me, I grab him by the throat and silently knock him out. I repeat this for all of the other alarms, also leaving most of the men passed out in the shrubs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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