Chapter 14

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Let the planning begin!


Friday evening came quickly for Wanda. The whole day she was thinking about possible plans but none of them seemed good enough. She usually was great at thinking about plans, but she had never planned something like this. She had never had the need to "set someone up." That was in Tony's ally not hers. Well, at least she knew what she wanted to be done first, but she didn't know how to put carry it out. She would just have to get help from everyone else.


Everyone was at the Tower already except for the Barton family. Wanda was getting worried that they wouldn't be able to make it and almost decided to start without Clint and Laura. Right as she was going to call the "meeting" to order, Clint and his family walked in.

"Sorry we're late," Clint apologized. "I got home from work a little late."

"That's ok, at least you made it," Wanda replied. "We'll start in a minute."

Livy, who had already spotted the Bartons, made her way towards them. To her surprise, Lila was there. When they saw each other, they squealed with joy and hugged each other. They were about to go play with Cooper when Wanda remembered she had to ask Livy a question.

"Hey, Maggie, can you come here for a minute?" Wanda asked.

Livy nodded. "I'll be right there," she told Lila. "Go on with Cooper." Lila and Cooper left the room.

"Maggie, I'm going to ask you a question. It's a very important question, so I need you to think about your answer."

"What's the question?" Livy asked curiously.

"What do you think about Miss Nat? Is she nice? Do you like her? How does she treat the kids in your class?"

"That was more than one question," Livy pointed out.

Wanda laughed, "Yes, it was."

"Miss Nat is really nice and very pretty. I like it when she gives me hugs. They make me feel safe, like Daddy's hugs make me feel safe. She treats everyone really good. I like her red hair."

"Ok, Livy, thanks for answering the questions. You can go play now." Wanda was about to walk towards the rest of the adults, but Livy stopped her.

"Wait, Aunt Wanda. There's one more thing."

"Oh?" Wanda raised her eyebrows.

"It's a secret, so you have to promise you won't tell Daddy. You can tell them," she said, pointing at the group of friends, "because I know you're helping Daddy out."

"I promise I won't tell your dad your secret."

"I love Miss Nat. I haven't told her that yet, but I will soon, I think. I think Daddy loves her too."

That statement surprised Wanda. "Why do you say you think that your dad loves her?"

"He stares at her sometimes. If he comes early, he stares at her while the class is finishing. Anyway, I wouldn't mind if she became my mommy. She's cooler than Sharon." Livy said the name Sharon with disdain in her voice and even made an expression of disgust.

"We'll try everything we can, Sweety. It ultimately comes down to your dad. It's his choice not ours. Just don't tell your dad what we're doing because I'll be dead."

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