Part 2 - How We Met

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The annoying sound of my alarm finally got me off the couch, after pressing snooze for as long as I could afford procrastinating. Amethyst had disappeared. Leaving me alone in a dimly lit room. I stretched, and picked up my phone from the floor which was getting irritated from not being shut up. I silenced the alarm and checked my messages. Sure enough, a missed call from my cousin P.J., and two texts from my sister Sara.

Sara: hey Leo I need you to get back to me asap about my wedding
Sara: Carter wants you to be his best man if you're up for it

I quickly sent off a text to her saying I'd be happy to be her fiancè's best man. Then I jumped up and ran off to my room to get ready for work.
Half an hour later, after taming my messy black hair with a brush and applying a layer of eyeliner, I agreed with my mirror and fed Amethyst before I left. Yes, I'm a male human. And yes, I wear eyeliner. But if you were to spot me in public, I'd be wearing black combat boots, black jeans, body piercings, and to finish it off, a band tee.
Some refer to me as "that little depressed emo motherfucker that lives upstairs." And I don't blame them for thinking I'm from the cabbage patch on Mars. I know I can come off as kind of strange. But we all have our reasons, and our own perspective on this whole "life" thing. Mine's just more about how life is a bitch. Instead of giving us what we need, it forces emotions we don't want to feel down our throats, and then says, "Oh, well it wasn't me," when we finally can't take it anymore and decide to hang ourselves or something.
But hey, that's the game of life. The sidewalks are shockingly stripped of people this morning. Only a few stragglers are running their errands or trying to get to work, like me.
I had my ear buds in, and wasn't really watching where I was going, when two guys stepped out of an alley in front of me. I didn't pay much attention to them, just kept walking. That is, until the largest one grabbed my arm and held me back from going any further. My breathe caught in my throat as the blade of a knife was pressed into my side.
I couldn't move, or look at either of them, or even allow myself to breath. I didn't know what else to do when he started pulling me back into the alley. I didn't know if I should scream for help, which would surely get me killed, or stay quiet. Eventually I decided on the latter.
Just because I wanted to die, didn't mean I wanted to go this way. This was not the right way to die. The other guy clamped his hand over my mouth and shoved me hard up against the wall. The knife dug deeper into my body. I could feel it slicing through my jacket, and the tip beginning to touch my stomach.
Which really pissed me off because my jacket cost me a fortune. Like, bitch, you can slap me around, you can kill me for all I care. But there's no way in hell I'm going to let you ruin my $250 jacket.
I grunted slightly and tried to take a deep breathe as the blade started to draw blood. "What you got on you, huh?" asked the one with his hand over my mouth. I closed my eyes and kept repeating in my head to think happy thoughts. I didn't know what else to do.
I bit my tongue to keep from doing anything I know I would regret. The big guy stayed silent and continuously put more pressure on the knife. The other one searched every one of my pockets. My thoughts started going hazy and my eyesight was blurry.
I could hardly think straight. When they didn't find anything of value other than a twenty dollar bill, they let me fall to the ground and took off. Not before sinking the blade deep into my flesh. Probably to prevent me from following them. I could feel the blood. I could feel the pain.
My eyes hurt,so I closed them. If I could stop breathing, I would without hesitation.
I don't know how long I laid there, but I awoke to someone gently stroking what must have been dirt off my face.
I couldn't see who it was at first. But when my eyesight cleared, I didn't recognize the man who kneeled before me.
I blinked a couple times. It wasn't those men, thank god, and it wasn't anyone I knew. I glanced over to the sidewalk where a motorcycle was parked there, with what looked to be a black helmet dangling from the rearview mirror.
"Hey there. Come on, lets get you to a hospital."
I looked back at him. He had concern in his eyes. His beautiful green eyes...

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