People From The Darkness

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Hello everyone, this is the first time I'm writing a Xreader fanfic! Usually I writing yaoi fanfic I write, but I wanna try new things. Enjoy and remember to vote and comment!


You were walking around Twilight Town in a beautiful afternoon. You having a summer break this month, but kinda bored since you don't really have much friends around here since they all went to other town for vacation.

You walk to an alley because you kinda curious what inside there. Suddenly you saw a dark portal appear from nowhere. You quickly hide so if some weird alien come out they won't notice or saw you.

Two person come out from there, their use some cloak and hide their face with the hood. "You know what the mission that Xemnas give us right Roxas." One of them said while remove the hood revealing long wild red hair. The other just nodded also remove his hood revealing blonde spiky hair.

You stared at the blonde hair boy. Part of you wanted to be his friend, but other part think he kinda creepy. You shook your head as you went to them.

"Hello, I never see you guys before." You greeted them. They quickly summon their weapon that is a giant key and a spiky shield thingy..? "Woah, I'm not some cops or a weirdo who going to hurt people okay. I'm (y/n), how about yours name?" You said while smiling at them.

"It's Axel, got that memorized?" The long wild red hair guy said with his famous catchphrase. "Roxas" The blonde spiky hair boy said. "Nice to meet you both! Are you new here?" You asked them. "Not at all, we always come here, but no-one notice. I'm impressed that you manage notice us." Axel replied. "Why is that?" You asked again. "We're just people from the darkness. You should stay away from us." Roxas said coldly. By this, you get more curious of him.

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