Meeting the boy's

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Molly's POV

We went off to meet the boy's, when we finally got there they was already waiting for us to arrive, we walked into McD's and sat down next to the boy's giving each one a hug, i sat next to Brandan, Charlie sat next to Sarah and Carissa sat next to Leondre, we got our order's, Sarah ordered a big mac along with Carissa, Brandan and Leondre, me and Charlie on the other hand got chicken nugget's.

Sarah's POV

I was so happy to finally see Charlie and touch him again since we was arguing for the whole entire week at school, My heart jumped soon as i seen his face, nobody understands how much he means to me, as i sat down with my Big mac burger meal, Charlie decided to touch my hand, i was smiling so much, he lent in and kissed me on my fore head while he pushed my head slightly and gently towards himself, soon as he pulled away we smiled at eachother, everybody looked at us and he did his little cute giggle, he pushed my hair behind my ear and went in for a kiss, i slowly kissed back, we giggled together, he finnally said some word's 'Hi beautiful, you look so nice today as per usual! but to much makeup! you don't even need it!'.

Charlie's POV

I got so many butterflies while kissing Sarah! every time i kiss, hug or even see her i fall in love with her all over again! she looks so beautiful today.

Molly's POV 

'so everybody Movies at mine later?' Carissa, Leondre, Charlie, Sarah and Brandan agreed, as we all finnished our dinner's we head out, Leondre was hugging Carissa from the back walking behind her, Charlie did the same to Sarah! but, Leondre and Carissa aren't even a couple?what is going on we all thought, i pulled out my phone and sent a text to Brandan, Charlie and Sarah saying 'Whoaaa look at Carissa and Leondre!' Sarah replied straight away and went 'Whoaaa, he just kissed her on the cheek' we all looked at them and smiled.

Carissa's POV

Oh my god! Leondre is so perfect! i love him so much! but he isn't into to me, we're just bestfriends. we both shouted 'WHAT' when everybody looked at us, Leondre picked me up and ran down Molly's street with me in his arm's! he spun me around i was laughing, i took my arm's and put them around his neck as he began to pertend to drop me, we looked into eachother's eyes and slowly moved forward into a kiss till we heard Molly shout 'OI LOVE BIRD'S, YOU CAN'T GET IN WITHOUT ME'. Leondre put me down, we holded hands while walking into Molly's house.

Leondre's POV

I nearly got to kiss Carissa, i have mixed feelings between Sarah, Molly and Carissa, i like them all but Carissa is so perfect and Molly and Sarah would never like me in a billion years anyway, they have boyfriends but on the other hand, me and Carissa are getting close! i'd never do anything to hurt her what so ever.

Molly's POV

'POPCORN ANYBDY' i shouted as we all got dressed into our Onsies, Charlie and Sarah shouted 'SWEET PLEASE' I shouted 'CARISSA, LEONDRE? POPCORN?' they both shouted 'YEAH ANY', I didn't bother asking Brandan cause i knew our favorite popcorn was salted. Leondre and Carissa got snugged up on the big chair, me and Brandan was on the sofa, and Sarah and Charlie was on the pull out bed, as the popcorn was all done, i put netflix on and we said what we was going to watch, we stuck SAW 1,2,3,4 and the final chapter, nobdody talked untill Charlie made us all jump by laughing.

Sarah's POV

my legs were on his lap and he pulled me closer towards him, as he did, he kissed me slighty, he pulled my body fully onto his lap.

Alright, that's it for today, sorry to leave you on a really cute chapter! what will happen between Charlie and Sarah and Leondre and Carissa ay?

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