Chapter 6

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          "Harry's POV "

Did I just hear her right? Did she just say she loves me? My heart raced but I soonly calmed myself down. I couldn't stop replaying those 4 words that came out Jane Reeves mouth. "I Love You Harry." That's all I could think about at the time. Minutes passed and my eyes got the hold of me and before you knew it , I was asleep. When I woke up , I felt someone nudge the side of my arm. I admittedly looked down and saw Jane. She looked so beautiful and innocent when she was sleeping. I wanted to kiss her and let her know how I really feel about her. She slept like a baby, with the cover wrapped around her. I brushed the strain of hair from her face and gently stroked her rose like cheeks. She slightly blushed which made tingles run down my spine. I took a deep breath and leaned in closer to Jane.

I whispered in her ear "Jane , I Love You, more than a friend. I missed every chance to tell you until now because I was scared and stupid. But whem I'm with you, my heart skips a beat and I can't think clear. If you give me a chance, I PROMISE you that I would treat you like my everything. I will never hurt you. I can promise you that for sure." I took a deep breath before opening my eyes again. When my eyes opened , Jane was still sleeping. Disappointment flew through me , I was really hoping she was listening but I guess she wasn't.

          " Jane's POV "

When I woke up , Harry was gone but there was a note near the table. I reached over and grabbed it . It said "Movie was fun even though you were sleeping for most of it. Well I had an amazing time with you. Thanks for having me over. Love , Harry."  I couldn't help but blush at the note he left. It was 10:45 pm and Josh was already upstairs sleeping. I decided to go upstairs, take a shower, and go to bed. When I woke up, it was raining outside.

The ground was filled with water but not to high though. I decided to call Harry but his phone went to voicemail. I left him a short brief message saying "Hi Harry, It's Jane. Well you probably know that by now since you have Caller ID and all. Well  , I wanted to know if you can come over , and this time I won't be sleeping the whole time. Give me a call back or you can text me. Either way doesn't matter. Bye." I closed my phone and jumped on my bed. Harry was the only thing that came to my mind now. I don't know if I have a crush on Harry anymore, I think I love him. But this can't be. 

An hour passed, no call from Harry. I began to worry, "What if he didn't get home? What if he got stuck in the rain? What if he-" I shock my head trying not to think about that thought anymore. I need to relax, calm down. But what I needed most was to hear his sexy , husky , voice. I got my phone and called Harry once more. It went straight to voice mail which meant his phone is either off or not working at the time. "Umm, Harry sorry for calling you so much. Well , I need you now. Please call back." And with that I closed my phone and ran out my room.

          " Harry's POV "

 When I got out the shower, I heard my phone vibrating but I didn't bother picking it up. I told myself I would call back who ever was calling me later. When I was fullied dressed I decided to check my phone on who was calling. I had 10 missed calls , 5 voice mails , and 2 text messages all from the same person. Jane. "I wonder what happened." I thought to myself. When I was done listening to all  her voice mails , I grabbed my keys and left the house. On my way there , a huge thunder storm was approaching and I knew how much Jane hated thunder storms.

She never really explained why she did but you can tell that they terrified her alot. I got to her house in about 10 minutes. I ran out the car and onto her front porch. I took out the spare key from the flower pot next to the door and open the front door. When I walked in , Jane was no where in sight. I took off my shoes and walked upstairs. When I was at the top of the stairs , I searched every room looking for her but there was no hope in finding her in any.

There was only one room that I haven't checked yet. Her parents room. I stood out side the door, took a deep breath, and walked in. When I got in I saw a huge lump under the covers which made me think that was Jane alright. She was sobbing loudly. Why did thuder storms make her terrified like this? 

I rushed towards the bed, grabbed her and pulled her close. "Shh Jane  , everything will be okay. Trust me. I'm here right now and that's all you should worry about." I pulled her tighter after saying that. I always want to be the person she comes to when she feels alone. I want to be the person she comes to when she sheds a single tear. I want to be her everything but I know I can't. She pulled her head from out the covers and stared me in the eyes. I kissed her temple and wiped the tears from her beautiful green eyes. I wanted this moment to last forever.

           "Jane's POV "

 I'm so happy to have Harry in my life even if were not dating. It felt so safe in his arms like this. Minutes passed and we were still in the same position as before. I usually never went in my parents room , even when I did I would never leave it unclean. I would always make up the bed the way they always had it. Everytime I was in their room , it felt as if they were in here with me too. As if their spirt was floating around me and Josh. I really do miss them alot.

"Jane. Can I ask you something?" Harry said knocking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and nodded my head , signaling him to continue. "How did your parents die?" He said without making any eye contact with me. I took a deep breath. It wasn't a day I like to remember. 


"But Mom, Everyone's going to Tylers Birthday Bash today. Why can't I go?" I winned. " You know its raining cats and dogs out there. I'm not letting you go." She said turning around to get her coat. "You know I would say yes but I don't want you to get hurt. It would tear me apart if you went out there and go hurt." She added. Well mother was right at that point , because it was a this point the storm was a danger zone for anyone in its path. "Harry will be here in a couple of hours. Just be patient. Okay?" She said with a smile on her face. "Alyssa , lets go. We'll be late !" Dad called out to my mother. Mom gave Josh and I hugs and kisses before they left. I never thought that would be the last time I'd see my parents again.

Hours passed and it was already 11 pm . "Where the hell are they?" I question myself.  They were supposed to be here 2 hours ago. I decided to turn on the t.v. to see if any traffic was held up were they where at. But instead , something else happened. "Breaking News: A couple drove off the road after a freaky car accident. The people were identified as Alyssa & Jarold Reeves." The reporter on channel 7 said. I froze for a second before bursting into tears. 

          " Josh's POV"

I woke up from the noise of screaming. I ran out my room and towards the noise. When I reached where it was coming from , I began to worry. It was Jane but why. "What happened?" I thought to myself. I ran to Jane and pulled her into my arms. "Jane! Jane! What's going on ? What happened?" I said trying to calm her down. She mumbled something that I couldn't understand because of the constant sobbing. Jane pushed me away for a second before speaking. "They're dead." She said sobbing even louder. Who's dead? But before I could ask, my answer was already answered. 

" We've just got the latest report on the Reeves case. The cops are now dragging the bodies out the water and bring them to the local hospital." Tears made there way down my cheeks and before you knew it I was bursting into tears. I couldn't help it. How could they be dead? They were just with us less than 3 hours ago. This CAN'T be true !! 

Days passed and before you knew it , it was one month before their death. Since Jane was 18 ,  she was technically an adult. But Jane , she was really taking all of this in. She's stopped talking to people. She's stopped everything. Jane would always blame herself for every little thing that happened. It really hurted me inside seeing her so hurt. Like yes, I was hurting insdie too but not the same way Jane was. She was destroyed. I thought that I would never get the old Janey back. 

Months passed and Jane still wasn't getting any better. She stopped eating which made her very skinny and sick. I couldn't take it anymore , I grabbed my phone and called grandma. She admittedly got Jane help. Jane began going to rehab and to her own personal therapist which really helped her comunnicate better with others. She began eating properly again which made her gain weight alittle . I was so happy to have my Janey back again.

          *End Of Flashback *

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