Chapter 1; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

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Ben then flashed green and transformed.

In the transformation process, Ben's clothes had been replaced with a short sleeved full body jumpsuit, his skin turned a light pale green while his hair turned gark green, his fingers becme pointed but not claws, his face began to lengthen and become more reptilian, and he grew a long lizard like tail.

And along his body were multiple Omnitrix symbols each forming a diamond showing the silhouettes of all of Ben's aliens. After which Ben roared as he grew Astrodactyl's wings.

 After which Ben roared as he grew Astrodactyl's wings

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Name Omni

Species Omnisapian

Description Omni appears as a large humanoid lizard with pale light green skin. He also has dark green hair along with emerald green eyes. The uniform provided to him by the omnitrix is similar to four arms except less bulky. The torso of the outfit resembles Ben's shirt, the pants area resembles diamond head's but has a hole in the back to compensate for his long tail. On his face, shoulders, elbows, hands both palm and back, knees, feet, top only, and on the dorsal surface of his tail are numerous Omnirix symbols. The omnitrix itself located on his chest.

Powers Omni is equipped with the powers of all the aliens of the Omnitrix. He can transform his features into those of the aliens and has the power to use their abilities. These capabilities that he has are what make him the most powerful being in the universe. Omni can also combine the powers of different aliens to create stronger powers along with making weapons out of alien DNA as inspired by Skuurd. He can even use the powers of a celestialsapian. Due to his unique powers Omni is far stronger compared to any other alien race.

Other knowledge this unique transformation Ben has gained was the result of an accident with the omnitrix. When Azmuth called Ben op Galvan Prime to give him an update on the omnitrix a few way bads appeared. After promptly defeating them The omnitrix malfunctioned and all the DNA got erased except for one from an unknown life form. As it turned out a few of Ben's bad guys planned to finally destroy him by erasing the omnitrix. After a slight trauma Ben turned into his new alien which had all the powers of all his aliens. Though he missed all the transformations he originally had, he was glad their demise hadn't been in vain, they were used to create a new member of his arsenal. So to put it in a way, Omni is the only one of his kind.

Ben roared and slammed down on the ground making the ninjas fly around. "Come at me if you dare" Omni growled before rushing two of them and delivered a painful round house.

Turning around he saw more of them coming at him with katana blades, acting fast Ben turned his hands into Heat Blast's and blasted fire onto the ground melting it and trapping them. "That way you don't get cold feet, so instead here's a hot seat" he joked.

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