Chapter 2: Mousers

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Down in his new home Ben was assisting Donnie, Mikey and Splinter with setting up the new Lair. So far he and Mikey just finished setting up the entertainment area, "Okay that should be the last cable. Though I question, why do we need sixteen monitors?" He asked the orange masked ninja.

Mikey chuckled "well duh, more monitors means more to watch" he laughed grabbing the power cords. "Won't this take up a lot of power?" Ben asked once more as Donatello hopped down from the rope he was hanging from while welding.

"According to my observations, undoubtedly" he answered, "relax besides, we need more power Captains!" Michelangelo has said in a Scottish accent "the turtles cave needs to be set for maximum entertainment potential" the turtle then plugged in the power. Meanwhile back on the surface, a random television store and about most of the block it was on was suddenly cut of power.

"If we had to pay power bills, and if we were discovered, the city would fine us big time" Ben commented, when Mikey turned on the TVs it blasted sound at them non stop before he was forced to turn it off. "Okay... we gotta tweak that a bit..." the shapeshifter added, Donnie then replied to Mikey's name for their new home "Turtle Cave? That is so lame" he said, "got a better name for it? Then how about the Shell-ter?"

"Nah, how about the Sewer of Solitude?", "Terrapin Station?" "The school for gifted reptiles?" "The hall of an Ninjustice"

Ben then commented on all their names ideas "Cave, good but overused, solitude not exactly solitary as there are more than one person living here, Not a school and hall of Anything with justice is already used" the two looked at him confused. Splinter, who was in the same chamber sewing a training dummy, cleared his throat to get their attention. "We shall. Call this place, home" he said, Ben nodded at that "I like it, or if not the Lair is fine" he said before turning his arms into Lodestar's and pointed them at some metal scrap on a nearby table. Then used his magnetic powers to attract them and held them in the air "so these are he little menaces that attacked your home?" Ben asked.

The three nodded before Donnie took the head of the robot, it looked slightly birdlike  with metal teeth for a beak and a small light on top of its head. "Yeah" Mikey replied "talk about bad luck" Ben added before helping Mikey with some wooden planks "I wouldn't say all bad, if those robots hadn't come and trashed our lair, we wouldn't have had our first experience on the surface or met you" Donatello admitted tinkering with the leg.

"In some ways Fate has worked in some favors" Splinter said, "by the way, now what is keeping Leonardo and Raphael?" The large rodent asked. "Said they were picking up the rest of your stuff from your old lair" Ben answered using Humungousaur's tail to carry some more cargo. "And the way the new sewer slider is performing, they should be back in no time" Donnie added as the servos on the mechanical foot he was working on sparked and smoked.

"You really do have a way with Tech Don, Azmuth would get along with you just great" Ben said before he turned into Omni. The alien then deployed Stink Fly's wings and began flying up to the room that he designated as his, "Azmuth?" Mikey asked, "he's the smartest being in five galaxies, the creator of my Omnitrix, and additionally the only person capable of having a worse love life than me" the alien said before setting up a hammock for himself.

"How bad can it..." "he lost his girlfriend after making a powerful sword capable of destroying planets and wasn't able to show he changed after realizing his mistake" Ben interrupted before Mikey could finish his sentence. Making the two wince.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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