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Levi is sitting on the floor with Annabelle, trying to get the doll we bought for her out of the packaging. They screw the ties around the arms and legs so tight it's a wonder any child ever plays with a toy. Annabelle is getting impatient, jumping around the room. But, that may well be from the E numbers we just pumped into her body.

She promised that Dylan and Melissa let her eat Skittles.

I'm starting to doubt her word.

She's now laughing at nothing and skipping in circles.

Dylan let Levi and I take her out for the morning, as they have some citizenship stuff to sort out. They're due back around two and I thought it would be nice to come home to a cooked meal, so I'm preparing a roast chicken salad with homemade baguette and cheese and tomato quiche.

It's my last day before I'm due back at the rehab centre, so I'm making the most of it. Levi is staying for as long as I'm here, telling me that he wants me right before I go home. I'm so much stronger now. I feel able to say no.

"Lee," I say to get his attention when he finally gets the doll off the cardboard packaging and gives it to Annabelle. "Can I have a word?"

"Sure," he climbs to his feet and collects the bits of plastic. "I'll meet you in the kitchen."

Letting him tidy, I head back into the kitchen to chop some vegetables. Levi appears a moment later, putting the rubbish in the bin. I lean back into his embrace when he comes to stand behind me, one arm touching my stomach, the other pinching slices of bell pepper.

"What's on your mind? You need help in here?"

I put the knife down on the chopping board. "I'm worried about what's going to happen with Annabelle when we go back home. How can I be in her life living so far away?"

"We can visit and maybe they can come over to us in the holidays. It's not something you should be worrying about right now."

"I'm not worried about it. I just want to discuss it with you," I take a long breath to prepare myself for what I want to say. "I'm not sure I want to leave Australia at all. I think I want to move here."

Levi is silent for a moment. "But, we have a home back in England."

"No, you do. My family is here," I say, not wanting to offend him, but it needs to be said.

I'm happy here.

It just feels right.

"My family are yours now."

I shake my head. "Thank you for saying that, and I know it's true. I know it's a big decision. But, I honestly do see us living here, Lee. I think it'll be good for us."

"I haven't spent enough time here to tell you if I do or don't. But, it's definitely something we can think about in the future. I want you to see Annabelle too and if the only way to do that is to emigrate, then I will."

Tears surface at the edges of my eyes and my bottom lip wobbles when I try to smile at him. He smiles right back, taking me into his arms. Safe. Warm. Loved.

"I'll do anything for you," he whispers, rubbing circles on my back. "I want you to be happy. And, I know being around Annabelle makes you happy. We'll work something out. I promise you."

It's like he knows the right things to say to make the worry melt away.

He gets me.

"I'm not done with therapy yet. I might feel differently when my sessions are over. But, I've grown so attached to Queensland. It's chill out here and I like it."

Love Rush (LarssonSiblingSeries#4)Where stories live. Discover now