Chapter Two

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Luna's POV

Luna: No- " TOMOYA!!!!! " No... this can't be happening...

Velvet: " You just never learn do you little sister. " I looked up to see Velvet coming out of the roofs door. " You want to protect humans and yet, look at what just went down. A human just killed his own kind without any hesitation. Do you really think that this world needs to be saved after just witnessing that? I've knew from the very beginning when both mother and father died that day. You might as well give up hope on humanity and realize that mother's idea of hope in this world is nothing but, a shattered dream. A long before end of a fairytale. " I looked down as I started crying. " There there. Let big sister handle all your problems. "

Velvet's POV

I stepped right in front of the electric beast of an deformed human.

Velvet: " I, Velvet of the dark knight of shadows will vanquish you. You should be honored. "

???: " Aaaaahhhhh!!! " It shoots out an electric wave towards us but, the guy I saved used himself as a shielded to protect me.

Velvet: " Ha, even after you being in my control you'll still risk your life.... fine but, that's not my problem! " I said running around and straight towards the monster.

???: " Aaaahhhh!!! "

I ducked then, dodged his electric waves. When I had my ground I punched his face.

Velvet: " Bullseye! "

It went to electrocute me but, I moved over to his side and kicked him as he went down on one knee.

Velvet: " Now, have a small taste of my boot you overgrown piece of- " It grab my leg then, smiled. " Oh crap. " The guy I was with tackled down the beast as it fell to the floor. " Wait, you're not dead after that shock. " I looked at his heart as it still beats. " I guess not. " He got into fighting position. " Fine, I'll fight alongside you pathetic humans. But, don't get in my way. " I said walking beside him.

???: " Rrrrrgh... "

Velvet: " Okay, here we go! " I said as he ran in first as I followed from behind.

???: " Rrrrrghhh!!!!! " The beast screamed as he surrounded himself in flames and electricity.

Velvet: Ha, good thing he doesn't know my true power or what that amulet is capable of.

The guy in front of me went for a punch but, ended up getting caught.

Velvet: " Oh no you don't! " I said jumping up and roundkicking the monster's head, sending it flying back. I went in front this time. The monster blasted flames towards me but, the guy jumped in front and covered me with his body. I looked to see him getting seriously burned. " At least scream when you're getting hurt. It looks weird. " I ran around and took out the knife I've saved back at the house then, stab the monster in the eye.

???: " Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!! "

I went for the amulet.

Velvet: " Just a little more... and- "

Someone pulled me back off of the creature. I looked back to see the guy.

Velvet: " What the hell?! I almost had it! " He looked at the monster. I looked at it too to see a bunch of metal pipes going through it. " Oh, thank you. " I looked as he stayed still. " Is he dead. Because if he is that was very- "

???: " AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! "

Velvet: " Damn, scream much. "


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