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dedicated to ZerriesGap bc love her

chapter three.


I glared intently at the short blonde in front of me, who held nothing more heavier than my heart. Her legs were moving in quick motion, as she paced the cluttered kitchen in small lines. I could hear her shortened breaths, and the small sniffs she created. I didn’t know how to comfort her, therefore, I stood blandly in front of her, with my fists clenched, and a scowl permanent on my features.

“I can’t trust you,” she sobbed, her harsh words striking at my chest with such force. “You lied to me, and you put us in danger, Harry.”

I knew she was right. She was always right. I put our lives in jeopardy for stupid decisions she already told me I shouldn’t make. But, I did it for the sake of our living, and the money we needed. The choices I made were strictly for me, but these fuckers weren’t supposed to include my girlfriend into it.

Huffs escaped my lips, as I rolled my eyes in arrogance. “I did it for us, Darby,” I breathed, my voice low and rasped, as I slowly made out the words like I was teaching them to her. I wanted to convince her, and save the argument. It was the last I needed. “If you can’t fucking accept what I do, then you should just leave!” I growled, my voice growing in volume, and the anger bubbling through my veins. I was ready to explode with madness—the stress was eating away at me, and this was feeding it even more.

Darby’s quiet sobs cracked, as she stopped her movements, and timidly buried her beautiful face into her hands. Her restless locks were slipping from her tied up hair, and sticking to her pale, glistening cheeks. Suddenly, it was as if a thousand bricks had been weighed down on my chest—I didn’t mean it. I didn’t want her to leave, because if she did, there was no reason to be here at all.

“You want me to leave, Harry?” She meekly asked, swallowing the cries in her throat, and hiding the weakness that was glowing. “Is that really what you fucking want? Because, I’ll l-”

“Then go!” I shouted, throwing my hands in the air. “Just go, then! You’re only holding me back!”


I walked lazily through the front door of Malik’s safe house, peering at the objects with care, and not skipping a single one. As far as I knew, Darby had been here during her disappearance, and if one thing had proved it, I’d strangle this man from the air that he breathed. I held in my anger, as Malik and his men slowly tumbled behind me; they were burning holes through my back with their eyes, I could feel every one of their stares on me, watching closely.

My hands were deep in my jean pockets, fingers fumbling with the bullets for pistol, and the small knife I was almost ready to use. In case one of these assholes pulled a stunt, I’d be fully prepared.

Silence lurked through the large room, except for the pounding noises my footsteps made as I toured what was in it. “Nice place,” I muttered huskily, chewing on the thin skin of the inside of my cheek.

“Thanks.” Zayn hastily hissed under his breath, fidgeting with the small, unknown object he’d had in his hands for a while. The silence was deafening, and all I wanted was answers. “Look, I don’t know what you want, but you need to get outta’ here, mate—”

“You know what I want.” I interrupted in ignorance, my voice rising in volume with each word. I almost scared myself with how much power I held within the short sentence, I wasn’t used to yelling or cursing—it’d been eleven months, keeping quiet, and tears were the only words I really ever spoke. Liam would be there every now and then, making small talk in the late afternoons after doing his run for PJ, once and while he’d even bring a few games of fifa. The point was, it had been a while since I heard my own voice so loud.

Zayn stopped walking in a slow pace, snapping his gaze on my own, and holding the harsh glare for quite a few. It was almost as if he replaying flashbacks between us, remembering all the shit he’d done with and to my girlfriend, but afraid to admit all. His lips flattened, and his face paled. The satisfaction was shadowing over my anger—I wanted to scream at him, but my voice was buried.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Zayn shook his head, “you need to fucking leave right now, or I’ll call the cops.”

My sudden instinct was to pull the pistol out from behind my back, and point the black object straight towards him with a big bang. I was ready to take his life away; somewhat how he did to me, when he took my girlfriend. Instead, a loud huff fell from my thin lips, and my body involuntarily charged toward the lanky-yet broad-boy in the white muscle shirt, with my hands out in front of me. His back smacked against the wall behind him, as my rough fingers slithered their way around his throat. I was going wild, my brain was not functioning the way I planned for it to. I was tired of the games, I just wanted Darby home. I knew she was out there—it wasn’t voices in my head playing tricks on me, the voicemail was real. It was real, and so is Darby.

Zayn spluttered out choking sounds, as my grip tightened by the second. His hands were scratching at the leather of my jacket, a scowl permanent on his paled face, as he was fighting for his life. “And tell them what, Malik?” I gritted, grinding my teeth against each other, as I stared directly into the brown eyes that were threatening to close. “As far as I fucking know, this is your safe house.

“G-get th-the fu-”

“Now, now, boy—I’ll let go, as soon as you answer some questions.” I teased, my cold lips curving into a taunting grin, as I slowly but surely loosened my hold around his neck. It wasn’t enough for him to breathe properly, or get away, but enough for him to catch air and speak. Zayn struggled under my hands, coughing, and gasping for his breath.

“And, once you answer these questions, you’re going to come with me—don’t ask questions, either. I’m the new fucking boss, and you’re going to be my bitch and follow my rules, my way.”  

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SORRY GUYS THIS WAS SO SHORT BUT UM 60 VOTES AND 30 COMMENTS FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER?????? YES ????? OKAY???? LOVE YOU :)) X oh and go check out my zayn malik story; 1995.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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