*The people - and creatures - of Grell try to take over Reffe for more land*
King of Reffe: "Why are you doing this? There is unclaimed land north of Terl!"
King of Grell: "You know that's too far. Your land is right next to ours. Why don't you go north of Terl?"
King of Reffe: "We already have all our homes, farms, and shops here!"
*The king of Grell proceeds with his takeover*
*The creatures of Reffe decide to fight back*
*Many creatures die, and many eggs are left motherless*
*Before all the creatures of Reffe are murdered, the king of Reffe surrenders*
*After the war, Jackson (originally from Reffe) collects all of the motherless eggs and flees from Reffe - soon to be Grell*
*The king of Reffe names the small part of land north of Terl New Reffe*
*Jackson opens a hatchery and immediately starts to care for the eggs*