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~The Next Day~

*Jackson walks into the hatchery and makes sure that the incubators are still working, which they are*


*Someone knocks on the door and Jackson opens it*

Sal: "Can I see your eggs?"

Jackson: "Ok.."

*Jackson shows Sal the eggs in the incubators*

Sal: "So you're sure that there are babies in the eggs?"

Jackson: "Um, no. I haven't actually checked."

Sal: "Well then check!"

Jackson: "That's what I'm going to do."

*Jackson grabs a flashlight and flashes the light through the eggs to see the shadows of the babies inside*

Jackson: "Yup, living babies."

Sal: "Good."

*Jackson puts the flashlight away*

Jackson: "So, why'd you come over?"

Sal: "I was done with all of my projects so I decided to check on you and your babies."

Jackson: "You know, you sound crazy when you say stuff like that."

Sal: "I know."

*Jackson sits down at his desk to look at his egg book as Sal watches*

Sal: "So, what are these little guys going to eat?"

Jackson: "That's what I'm looking for right now."

Sal: "Ok."

Jackson: "So, the ice worm will eat small chunks of meat, mostly fish, and organic matter, and the lizard will eat small plant parts and insects."

Sal: "Ok."

Jackson: "Both of them will need a special environment prepared for when they hatch."

Sal: "When will they hatch?"

Jackson: "It should be about two more days for the ice worm and maybe a week for the common garden Ruckshaw lizard."

Sal: "Nice."

Jackson: "Want a new project?"

Sal: "Sure!"

Jackson: "Want to help me build a tiny tundra?"

Sal: "Yeah!"

Jackson: "I'll need ice and a cooling system."

Sal: "Got it."

*Sal leaves the hatchery and goes to her workshop to start building a cooling system for the ice worm's environment"

*Jackson looks at his bookshelf to find a book about gardening for the Ruckshaw lizard's environment*

"Gardening, gardening - Oh, Gardening for Lizard Environments, jackpot."

*Jackson reads about what he needs and how to do what he needs to do*

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