Chapter One

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''God, this fucking blows.'' Lucy groaned, leaning her head against the brick wall behind her; she never did seem to be satisfied.

''No shit, Sherlock.'' Her best friend, Lauren, bit back in reply.

''Entertain me. Please. I'm just so bored.''

''We're all bored.''

Lucy slid down the outside wall of the church until she hit the ground, her legs sprawled out in front of her. She reached into the pocket of her hoodie for her pack of cigarettes, but came up empty, remembering that she had left them at home that morning, tucked deep inside the third drawer in her dresser, beneath a pile of old clothes her mother always wanted her to wear that she never did.

''Well, shit.'' She cursed, then looked around at her friends. ''Anybody got a smoke?''

''I do.'' Lauren replied, rolling her eyes.

''Underage smoking on church grounds? You guys really think that's a smart idea?'' Summer, the smallest of the group, remarked.

''I never said I was gonna give one to her.'' Lauren shrugged. ''Just saying I have them.''

''Whatever. Can we please just get out of this hell hole?''

''Hey, watch your language little girl,'' Slate, the oldest of the group and Lucy's boyfriend, said sarcastically, ''these grounds belong to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How dare you speak of the dark one here.''

''Slaaaaaaaate.'' Lucy whined. He moved over to her and crouched down to where she was on the ground.

''Yeah beautiful?''

''I'm really bored.''

''Oh my God we know that already!'' Lauren yelled.

''Then fix it!'' Lucy yelled back.

Summer jumped up off the piece of ground she was sitting on. ''Lucy, come on. Let's go to the gas station across the street.''

''How is that remotely entertaining? I don't even have any money.''

Summer gave her a sly smile. ''Exactly.''

They walked into the gas station as calm as could be. Lauren surveyed the surroundings. No one else in the gas station, the cashier was a college kid, and everything was in perfect condition for the five finger discount.

"Cheapest thing here?" Summer asked.

"The fifty cent bubble gum," Slate said as he casually surveyed the candy aisle.

"We need to buy it," she said.

"Why? I though it was already decided we weren't buying," Lauren said, and Lucy silenced her with a glare.

"Cause it's too suspicious if we don't. We're already dressed as if we're gonna rob the place," Summer said. No one could disagree with her.

Slate causally walked over to the refrigerators. "Distract the geek, will you, dear?" he chided to Lucy. "Of course," she grinned. She walked up to the cashier, striking a conversation, and he was clearly intrigued. Her provocative way was enough to freeze any young man in his tracks. Slate swiftly grabbed some energy drinks and held them in his jacket while Summer grabbed food and Lauren watched, ready to give a signal if something went awry. It was a routine they had mastered over the years, and they were damn proud. Summer grabbed the gum and walked to the counter. Everyone scrounged around in their jeans and jackets and even shoes for the money, and it was found.

"Fifty four cents," the boy said as he continued to look at Lucy. But she was done, and had turned her attention to the window, her facade no longer needed. Lauren eyed the lighters carefully. She ran her fingers a long them. The cashier watched her, but not close enough, because she had already swiped one. Summer payed and they quickly left, letting their happy giggle escape.

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