Chapter 1

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Heyyyy guys this is my first book I had another account but I can't remember the password to it so I lost all my followers and my books. So sad I know but I hope you guys enjoy this book. P.s not pre-checked. Enjoyyyyyyy
Carters pov
Day 1
I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun beaming directly on my face. "Ughhh" I groaned while rolling over dramatically and falling to the floor with a loud thud. In an instant I heard my father outside my door knocking.
"Honey are you okay?" He said. His voice laced with concern.
"I'm fine abba". I yelled.

You might
be wondering why I called him "abba". Well that's because my dad is from Israel. Which means he speaks Hebrew and "dad" or "father" in Hebrew is "Abba".
I know I know it sounds weird but growing up I was taught both his language and màmas language. My moms more or so from the Hispanic and Indian culture. That's besides the point though. I groggily dragged myself to my bathroom and stripped myself of my clothing.
Cutting the shower on I starred at myself in the mirror.
I have never really liked my body, it's nothing bad but I've always been insecure.
I'm short 5'0 to be exact, 147 pounds.
I'm fit though and all that weight is muscle. I've played just about every sport and I like to stay in shape.
Fun fact.
I stand under the hot water letting it hit my head and roll down my back. My muscles have been extremely sore lately and I don't know why.

After washing my hair I get out the shower and walk into my room towards my closet.

I pick out a simple outfit not to dressy not to casual, just casual. After about 20 minutes of debating on what to wear I go with blue jean button up shirt, black pants, a grey scarf, and my diamond ring. I tied it off with my all black toms and grab my sun glasses of my dresser. Putting my perfume and phone charger inside my Michael kors purse I put on a little red lipstick and throw my long curly hair into a messy bun. Closing my door behind me and jog down the stairs and make my way into the kitchen.

"Good morning mom" I tell my mom while kissing her cheek.

"Good morning sweetheart " she says while handing me a blueberry bagel with cream cheese.
"Don't forget to stop bye your grandmothers house and grab those planners, I need them for today." She yells as I walk towards the front door.
" I'll get them I haven't forgot." I yell back while grabbing my keys off the hook and closing the door behind me.
The warm wind hitting my face as I step out feels good against my skin. Breathing in the fresh air I make my way to car. I have a white new model 2018 Honda Civic with silver rims. I went to trade in and get the new one yesterday I'm sooooo happy!!!
Hopping in and putting my purse in the passenger seat I start the car and turn the radio on. Singing along to 5sos amnesia I pull up to Starbucks and order a caramel iced coffe with whipped cream on top. Waiting in line I turn to my left to see a man...or boy... I see a person of the male gender I should say reading a news paper. Well I think that's what their doing even though I feel like I'm being watched. I shrug it off as my name is called for my order. "Carter?" The cashier said in more of a questionable tone. " that's me." I said reaching my hand into my purse. I pull out my credit card and hand it to her. "Id please". She says while eyeing me. I hand it to her and watch her as she looks at it. "You wouldn't happen to be the daughter of "The" francis diez would you? She asked. "Is there something wrong?" I asked her since I didn't know where she was taking this. The daughter of Ted diez!?!?
She asked with her time being a little louder than before. " umm I'm going to take this and go but thanks anyway". I says as I take both my cards and drink off the counter.
Just ask I was about to grab the handle of the door I see the same person starting at me from the side of the paper. I decided to ignore it and keep waking.
So I open the door and hurry out and into my car locking the doors, instantly getting paranoid.
This is not happening again!!!!!!
I tell my self constantly as I start my car and speed off. I was halfway done with my coffee when I pulled up to my school.

I sighed and sat back resting my head against the head rest.

I stayed here in this position for about 30 minutes just resting my eyes before I go into this place called a school. I look at the clock and it reads 8:01. I don't have to actually be here till 9:00 but I always come early it's just that I'm not feeling it today. I was so excited this morning but ever since I felt like I was being watched I've been feeling weird. Like weak, kinda flustered it's really weird. I decided to think back to what happened.

I close my eyes and focus....

carmen? As she calls my name the man looks up from the newspaper and that's when I realize it wasn't a man at all. How come I didn't see this ?!?? I thought to myself. He stares at the side of my head the whole time I'm up there and I didn't even notice. Grabbing my coffee and Turning around I grab the handle of the door. He stood up and started walking my way but I had already left out. Getting into my car I see out the mirror that he gets in a black car right behind me???? Omg!!! I'm so stupid I didn't notice all of this. At he thought of me being followed I open my eyes noticing that im breathing hard and I feel the warm sensation of tears rolling down my....nose? I wipe at it with my fingers and see blood. What th-? I start to panicked I grab a few tissues out the glove department and wipe my nose. Eww why is it so dark! Cleaning off my face I look to the clock below the dashboard and see the time. 8:57 am???" You've got to be fucking me." I scream while grabbing my purse throwing my phone into it and taking the keys out the ignition. I turn towards the door to open it and let out a blood curdling scream. The boy from earlier was standing outside my car door starring at me curiously.
Grabbing my chest and controlling my breaths I open the door and get out. "You ok?" He asked me tilting his head to the side. I narrowed my eyes at him " you followed me here". I say in a low voice. "I guess you can say that" he said while shrugging his shoulders. "Why?" I asked. He looked at me with an emotion in his eyes but only for a split second. "Because I need you." He says his face inches away from mine. Confusing spread across my face. "What?" I say my heart beating a million times a second. He put his arm above me and leaned in his breath tickling my skin. I tried to back up but I was already leaning on my car. "Aren't you carter diez?" He asked. My mind instantly goes crazy. HOW DOSE HE KNOW MY NAME! WHAT IF HES A SPY? IS HE GOING TO TAKE ME? I starred into his eyes hiding my fear and replacing it with a plain look. Just as I was about to knee him where the sun doesn't shine he reaches down. My heart stops and I think for just a few seconds that I was going to die right then and there.

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