3- The raven's rose

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  Luna's pov

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  Luna's pov

            Okay, what the hell am I staring at? I stood in the middle of a large oval room. To my left was a huge open balcony, portraits of people hung above a large wooden desk that had leaf-like symbols engraved on it.  The floor was covered by a regal, red carpet that held a faded gold design. Behind me was a common area. With Bookshelves filled with scrolls and three couches arranged around a traditional Japanese tea table. In front of me was a black, white, blue, and green figure, that splits into two defeated men. You see, Might guy got the great idea to challenge the masked male for some reason during our way into this strange village. The other man- who I had learned was Kakashi Hatake on the walk here- had begrudgingly agreed and was met with a fist flying into his face and knocked him into the room we sit in now, only for him to go poof and appear behind me. Then both were smacked upside the head by a shorter old man in red and white robes. Holding a pipe in his mouth and a paper in his right hand.

"What is the meaning of this!" The old man spoke, border lining at the yelling volume. Kakashi had rubbed the back of his neck while and Guy jumped up and raced over to me.

"We... Ah... Came here... so you could meet Luna!" He smiled awkwardly." She was found in the forest just east of the gate." Guy's topic change did not go unnoticed, but the old man seemed to accept his answer.

"Hmm come here child, and tell me how you ended up in the forest?" The old man spoke with a calm tone. He emitted this warm, grandfather feeling that makes you feel at ease around him.

       I strolled over to the Old man and sat on the desk that lye behind him. " Welp.... I don't really have an explanation other than I was teleported here by some dude with long black hair and gold eyes." I leaned back in a bored manner. The two males that brought me here exchanged a look before giving a nod to the old man.

"Hmmm, well Luna. I am the Hokage of this Village and I would love for you to stay with us." The old man smiled at me and held his pipe in his free hand.

"What is a Hokage." I ran a hand thru my silver locks as I starred at the adults. They gave me a bewildered look and coughed weirdly.

"Well. The Hokage's role is... a protector of sorts and looks after the village. While also in charge of the Village's economic standpoint." He took a long breath of his pipe and shooed me off his desk. I cross my arms and put my weight on my left leg

"Kinda like a president?" My response got a weird look. This isn't good, I'm stuck in some distant land who are still in the stone age.

"Child, may I ask. Where are you from?" The Hokage walked to his desk and gave a small paper to the strange animal-masked person that stood near the back of the room.

" I come from York Shin," I answer calmly and lean against the wall. I see the old man pull out a large scroll and a knock was heard at the door.

"Come in." The Hokage spoke sternly and a boy with midnight blue hair that spiked up into a ducks butt had walked in. "Ah Sasuke, glad you got my note." The old man looked at me and smiled brightly "We will continue this discussion at a later time. Right now I would like you to meet your roommate-" 

"Wait. What? I'm not living with another person! Let alone some emo Duckbutt." My voice lowers and a bubbling snarl echoes from my throat that faded into a hiss. The Boy seemed to uneasily glance at the Hokage before turning and glaring at me.

"Feelings mutual Snowball." His voice was filled with a dramatic dread yet was hidden by a toneless voice. Like how can you do that? How can a person be dramatic and dead at the same time?

"Well Luna, if you wish to stay in this village you will join Sasuke here." The Hokage stated matter a factly and took a long breath of his pipe and released a large cloud of smoke.

"And who said I wanted to stay dearie? As I recall, Guy over there asked for me to stay a night. I don't see a reason to stay in this village so I shall be leaving tomorrow morning." I popped out my hip and my eyes seemed to glow like sapphire's as the orange glow of the setting sun filled the room. My eyes dilate with the new bright setting, giving them the cat-like appearance as I stood looking towards the old man. 

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