FORMER bad habits

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I just felt like making this as I have finally come to a realization. Writing things like this down will actually help me cope with it so heck yeah, I'm doing this.

1) I have a crazy ego.
I'm actually ashamed of this one. It was hard to admit, but there's nothing I can do. I'm pretty sure binnie-ya and misspiffpiff has seen this happen.
Basically, we'd be talking about something and one of the following happens:
a. Someone compliments me- okay, that's not their fault, but then I feel the need to be like "Yeah, I agree." FML. Is this what I get for being a Leo (zodiac sign)?
b. Someone says something good/bad- I always feel the need to one-up them. Okay, but yeah, this happens to me ALL THE TIME. I don't know why I do it, I just do.
friend: i suck at dancing
me: i went to hip hop class so im pretty good
inner me: fuck, why am i like this. i didnt mean to blurt that out. great, now they're gonna think that im self-centered. am i self centered? jesus, why did i say that omg
friend: teachmesenpai
inner me: how did i get such good friends for seeing past that
And after that happens, I kinda think to myself like "wow, why am i so egotistical. why am i like this." and I kinda cringe. I'm sorry guys. I can't seem to help myself for some reason. SAVE ME.

2) I overthink...alot
This happens on the daily. This is actually the reason why I am writing this. 
I overthink a lot especially when it comes to the opposite gender. An actual situation that happened to me irl:
me: *sits down on couch*
male specimen: *sits down next to me*
inner me: HolY shiT he wants to get married to me
I actually hate myself for this. I hate myself for a lot of things. A couple of my friends are overthinkers too but they think more about their own actions. For instance, if the same situation happened, but to my friend:
friend: *sits down on couch*
male specimen: *sits down next to her*
inner friend..wait no, inner mind: oh crap did i send a mixed signal, did i sit in the wrong spot, was this spot taken by him?
Why am I so different? Like, I'll only think about the actions of others and go through a deep analysis of what they mean. Now that I've thought about this, I actually don't think it's healthy.

3) I am a school work-a-holic (if that's even a word...well now it is)
I'm not really sure if it's a good thing or a bad one.
Even when I'm sick, I feel the need to complete my school work. SCHOOL WORK COMES FIRST BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE. In my mind, I see school as this place that determines your future. Do well now and you can enjoy life and for that reason, I legit work hard. Sometimes, I work even though it's obvious I need a break. I have been at this computer for like three hours now finishing up my presentation and assignment that's due on WEDNESDAY. FAM, THAT'S IN THREE DAYS. WHY AM I DOING IT NOW? On top of that, I'm sick af. I've got a heavy fever and a flu, but here I am, still going to school because the teachers are not gonna stop teaching just because I'm sick.



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