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A/N I do not own any of the characters or places. I only own the storyline.

-Artemis doesn't go to Gotham Academy in this story-

Might be OOC

Alfred: Immortal
Bruce: 32
Dick: 13
Jason: 11
Tim: 8
Damian: 4


The team was sitting in the lounge at Mount Justice.

"Report to Mission Briefing" Said Batman over the loudspeakers.

     The team got up, and started to head over to mission briefing. When they got there Batman called Robin over to the side,

"Listen, the team's going to be protecting you and your brothers at the Manor for the next few days"

"What?! Why? We can protect ourselves!" Robin whisper-yelled, he knew the team couldn't hear this.

"We've gotten word that there's a hunter coming after you guys, and Alfred is out visiting his neice in England for the next week, and I have to go off world." The Bat replied.

"What if the team learns our identities?" Robin argued.

"That won't happen." The Bat said with a stoic glare.

      The dynamic duo walked back to where the team was gathered, the younger one obviously grumpy. Artemis was watching the conversation 'I wonder what they were talking about'

"Team, this is Wayne Manor. Bruce Wayne and his four sons live here. We have gotten word that a hunter is coming after them, but we do not know why. Your job is to protect them, Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. Bruce Wayne and their butler, Alfred will not be there, they have other business to attend to."

Kid Flash's mouth was a gap the whole time Batman had talked, but luckily he was at the very back and nobody, except Robin, noticed.

"Kid Flash and Robin with not be going with you. We have another mission for them. You will be leaving in thirty minutes, pack your stuff." Batman finished, walking away.

Artemis scoffed, 'Why does WALLY get a special mission? We just have to protect some snobby rich kids' Nevertheless, she packed stuff for a three night stay, and boarded the BioShip. Wally did in fact get a mission, but it was just helping The Flash around Central City, and he was pretty stoked. And nobody noticed Robin leave to go explain what was happening to his brothers.

"Recognized Robin B-01" Robin stepped out of the Zeta Tube, into the Batcave. He was met with his little brother, Tim Drake, cleaning the BatMobile.

"Hey Dick! How was the team?" Tim asked, walking over to Robin, who had taken off his mask and become Dick Grayson.

"I'll tell you all at once" Dick replied, and they climbed up to the Wayne Manor. They found Damian sleeping on the couch, and Jason sharpening his weapons. Dick brought them to the living room,

"So Bruce is going off world"

"Ya, we know" Jason replied. Damian closed his eyes, going back to sleep.

"Yes, and apperently the league got word that some hunter is coming after us-"

"Just get to the point Grayson!" Jason said exasperated.

"So, the team is coming to protect us" Dick finished.

"Yes! I needed some more henchmen!" Dami yelled, now fully awake.

"Cool! I've only met the team a few times!" Tim said.

Jason looked confused, "but we can take care of ourselves, you're Robin and I'm Jason Todd!, and even Dami here can protect himself, so why do we need them?"

"Bruce's orders" Dick answered, "please try not to kill anybody while they're here Jay"

Jason nodded, not promising anything.

Welp, hope you enjoyed


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