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Dick strolled to the entrance hall, where a giant chandelier was hanging. He quietly laughed to himself. They wouldn't even think to look on it. He took a few steps back before running at full speed towards the wall. The acrobat ran up the wall for a few steps before jumping off, catching the chandelier with one hand, holding a walkie-talkie in the other.. Dick swung on the chandelier, hoisting himself up. He smiled, looking at the flat surface of the top of the chandelier, where a pillow rested. Undoubtedly from last time he hid here. The boy layed down on the pillow when a voice came from his walkie-talkie.

"Time?" Asked Jason.

"53 seconds left. Should I taunt her?" Dick replied, smirking.

"She's going to hate you." Came Tim's voice.

"Do it, Dick." Replied Jason.

Dick cackled quietly, running his fingers along the chandelier until he found what he was feeling for, a small button. He pressed it, putting his face close to it.

"We're hidden Artemis! Come find us!" Dick said.

Artemis jumped from where she had been counting. It sounded like it came from right behind her. She turned around, seeing a small speaker just above where she was counting.

"Bitch." She muttered, "Let's go find those morons."

Artemis couldn't wait until this mission was over.

Miss Martian smiled, "Come on Artemis! Let's go find them, it'll be fun!"


"'Come on Artemis' she said, 'It'll be fun!' she said." Artemis muttered angrily.

They had been looking for the children for nearly two hours and still hadn't found them. Miss Martian was starting to get worried.

"What if the hunter got them? And we didn't notice because we thought they were just hiding and..." The Martian drifted off.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from above them, "Don't worry Miss Martian! We're here, we're near, and I've recently become queer!" Followed by a laugh.

Artemis rolled her eyes at Dick's voice. He was so annoying. But Miss Martian seemed thrilled by the news that they were fine.

"What does queer mean?" She asked the team, as they walked upstairs.

"It means your questioning your sexuality." Artemis said, the Martian looked at her confused, "You're deciding if you like boys, girls, don't care, or don't like anyone."

Miss Martian nodded, along with Aqualad and Superboy. It seemed they were also confused. Artemis frowned, she missed Robin... and Kid Flash. Not their personalities, just being able to have human friends, who didn't question you about basic things.

"Wait. I hear something. It sounds like snoring?" Superboy announced as they neared Dick's room.

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