Chapter 2

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We walked up the steps to the ridiculously, large doors, entered and was almost thrown off our feet by the grandeur of the place. We both dropped our cases and stood gawking like idiots. I mean sure, we had a big enough house ourselves but it was nothing compared to this place.

"Zandra! Lacey! Stop that!" Mom snapped at us, breaking us out of our daze.

A blond woman came totting towards us in a pencil-skirt, suit. her hair was in a short bob around her face, wearing a fake grin.

"Carolina Velasco?!" She exclaimed.

"Gwendolyn Smeeton!" Mom greeted her and the both kissed each other on each cheek .

"Oh my god, Zandra did you see? Did they really just do that?" Giggled Lacey.

I chuckled to myself. I already knew that this place wasn't for me. Lacey and I were not the people that our Mom was trying to force us to be. We were laid back, we didn't care for material possessions and social status. All the stuff that Mom was constantly trying to drill into our heads. This was why we got into trouble a lot. We got bored and mischievous at our high school. Of course she sent us to a private school, so we just had fun. it wasn't our fault that the people there were too stuck-up.

"So these must be Zandra and Lacey." She stated, walking towards us. "I've heard so much about you Girls. We have had a few Velasco's here in the past."

We have a big family on our Moms side, Most of them are like her. In fact, she believes that her last names holds so much status. That she kept it when she married our Dad, and insisted on us having it. Apparently it sounds better than Rickman.

"Right, young ladies. welcome to St Augustines, Academy of Excellence for privileged young adults." She announced, with her arms extended, proudly. Lacey and I were far from impressed. She led us up to our dorm, which was more like a hotel room. We had two double bedrooms, our own bathrooms, and a sitting room in between. Admittedly it was beautiful but nevertheless, we still didn't want to be here.

"Well girls. I'll leave you to get settled in and I shall have your schedule delivered to you. the rules are in your welcome packs. Let me know if there's anything that I can help you with." Said Gwendolyn, before leaving.

"You see girls. I told you it was nice here." Smiled Mom.

"Yea but how would you know?" I challenged her."

"I came here myself, When I was your sort of age." She started to explain. "Your grandparents sent me here to set me straight, and it did. I only want what's best for you girls. It's only because I love you."

I rolled my eyes in exasperation, Whilst Lacey just glared out of the window.

"Ok, well I'm leaving. Make sure that you call me once a week and promise me that you'll behave." She picked up her keys and bag. She left without even giving us a chance to say goodbye back. Which was kinda shit but we didn't expect any different.

We sat around in our room for a few hours. According to this schedule, We don't have any classes Until Monday. It was gonna be so boring here, I just knew that I would need a way to entertain myself.

"Hey Zandra. Come and see this." Lacey called from the living space. I went out to her and barked at her.


"Zee. Look what I've found." She sniggered, playfully.

I looked down out of the window, to see about ten, toned as fuck, tall, hot as hell looking guys, playing football on the grass on the other side of the car park.

"Hmmm. What do you say we make the most of this experience?" I asked, as I fixated out of the window. She grinned, menacingly and joined me in my staring.

"Zee. I honestly thought that the guys here would be like the usual guys that Mom tries to set us up with." She chuckled.

"Well it makes sense doesn't it? This place is for 'wayward, delinquents,' like us." I scoffed.
I went back to my room to change. Forget wearing stuffy, dresses all the time. Like Mom told us.
I changed into my jeans and a cropped, white tank and my favourite, white plimsolls. I checked myself out in my dressing mirror.

I'm five foot, two, with shoulder length, dark hair. Curves in just the right places and chocolate, brown eyes. Lacey and I have been mistaken for twins many times, as we both look similar. We even have similar personalities. We can be extremely sociable, but only around people we're comfortable with. Where boys were concerned, well, we just had fun with them. We got on a lot better with boys then we did girls and we had both had a few "friends with benefits." And it was our male friends that we got into the most trouble with.

"So what do you want to do?" Shrugged Lacey, leaning on my door frame.
She had changed into a a pair of leggings, with an cold-shoulder top and her favourite Ugg boots.

"Hmm. Well I'm not feeling introductions. So how about we sit under a tree and see what happens." I Shrugged.

"Okay, but new faces tend to draw attention." She raised an eyebrow.

"Let's hope it's the attention that we want." I chuckled. "Hey. A fifty says that I can have a guy whipped in a week."

"Oh you're on, bitch." She retorted. "Hey look out of the window is anyone smoking?"
I went over a scanned the field. There was now an array of different individuals, scattered around in small groups. A few of them smoking.

"You got your shit?" I shrugged.

"Ha. Does a bear take a shit in the woods?" She laughed, as we both left the room and locked up.

"Right then. Observe the humanoids, then explore the building?" I asked.
She nodded as she shoved the key card into her bra......

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