Chapter 9

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"Well where the hell is she?" Asked my Dad, turning to face me.

"She's not in there?" I Shrugged .
We both turned around as the dorm door opened.

"Oh hey Daddy." Zandra said casually. She walked past us, into her room and started to peel off some latex gloves.

"What have you done, Zandra?"
Dad demanded.

"Well, I betcha didn't know, Lacey. But those stuck up, two bit, skank buckets, go swimming at seven AM. So I paid their dorm a visit and stuffed their curtain rod with raw eggs, shrimp and Stilton. It's about to get real stinky in there, and they're both too stupid to figure out where it's coming from."

"That's my girl." Dad chuckled.
I went and sat back on the couch, next to Phelan. Dad followed Zandra into her room.

"Your Dad seems cool." Phelan murmured. "I thought he was gonna knock me out."

"You're lucky he knows your Dad. That's never happened before." I replied.

"What the fuck is this?!" My Dad boomed from Zandra's room.
He came out holding up a black Rolex.

"Lacey!! Who the hell does this belong to." He seethed.

"I don't know, Dad. I wasn't in there. Was I?" I rolled my eyes.

"Dad. This really isn't any of your business I'm nineteen. You need to back up." Said Zandra flippantly, slumping onto the couch next to me.

"Oh really?" Dad raised an eyebrow. "How about I call your Mother. Maybe you explain how you've both got boys in your beds."

"Whoa Dad. That's really not necessary." I reasoned.

"Look, Dad. I've met someone. I'm old enough. It happens. I promise that I'll introduce him to you another time, ok." Zandra sighed in frustration.

"Fine. I don't have time for this. Now who are these girls that you beat up any why?" He huffed.

"Well one was pissing me off about her boyfriend, that I'm not interested in. And the other tried to jump me. So she got kicked down the stairs." Zandra explained.

"Look girls." He began. "I tell you time and time again. I don't care what you do, but within reason. All I ask is that you stay away from horny little dickheads."

"But we don't deal in horny little dickheads, Dad." Zandra interrupted.

"Alright then, Zandra. Explain the bits of grass in your hair." He retorted, folding his arms.

She stormed off to her room and slammed the door.
Myself and Phelan just sat quietly. That was just too awkward for words.

Dad sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"As I was saying. I spoke to your mother last night. She said if you don't behave yourself, she's paying for another term. So try to keep a lid on it. You know that I'm happy to let you do as you like. But you must respect your mothers wishes. I know she's a fucking battle axe, but she's still your mother." He spoke sternly but with understanding.

"Ok, Dad. We will. Don't worry about Zandra, I'll talk to her, ok." I replied.

"Right, sweetheart. I have to shoot off. You take care now, and you." He glared at Phelan.

"If you're going to be sniffing around my baby then you better make sure you take good care of her. Otherwise my next visit will be with your father." He warned Phelan before leaving.

We both slumped back onto the couch, I exhaled in exasperation. How on earth did I allow my dad to catch a guy in my bed?
Too stoned to even remember he was coming. Phelan handled it well, almost too well. In fact...

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