Ch 2 - Wait, Your Not my Attacker?

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A/N: Dedicated to MorningGlory446 'cause she rocks ;)

Song of the chapter is "Save You Tonight" by One Direction. You'll find out why ;D It's not the perfect song, but the closest one I could find

Chapter 2

Jump, Nicole, jump, I told myself.

I stood near my window, backpack full of clothes, food, drinks, and money slung on my back.

Run away. Escape being forced into marriage. Escape from it all. Just jump.

I opened my window and stepped on the ledge. Immediately, I cowered away from the window. I was afraid of heights. And spiders. And other disgusting creatures that can bite you.

Gosh darn it, I thought, just go out through the door.

What a smart idea.

I tiptoed to the living room where the front door was and twisted the doorknob before I could stop myself.

“Be safe,” I heard my stepmom call.

I turned around and saw her. She looked sad, but understanding. Geez, finally someone knows that I don’t want to be forced into marriage. Her eyes filled with concern only a parent could have. I nodded and quickly walked away before she could talk any further. She might’ve changed my mind about leaving if she had more time.

I stepped outside and a blast of cold air hit me. I’m so glad I brought my jacket, I thought.

I kept on walking. I had no idea where I was going, but I didn’t care. I was just focused on getting away from my house. My feet grew sore and I felt like curling up into a ball and sleeping right then and there, but I didn’t. I had to get away from this neighborhood.

Apparently, having a sleepy mind and tired legs isn’t a good combo. I stumbled around the corner and decided a little rest won’t hurt. However, as soon as I placed my back on the wall, I found myself surrounded by a bunch of girls.

Their faces had layers of make up with short shorts of skirts, low-cut tops, and high heels. I admit, they look really pretty - if only they weren’t dressed like . . . working girls or in other words, hookers

“What are you doing here?” One of them demanded. She had green eyes and medium brown hair. If she wasn’t dressed like that and if her face wasn’t covered in makeup, it seemed that she would look really nice and pretty. But she was dressed like and her face was caked in makeup, so she’s not.

“I was just walking,” I said warily. These girls didn’t seem like the nicest people around . . . .

“Well, stay away from here,” another warned. “This is our place.”

I scoffed. “Don’t worry, I don’t want to stick around, and I promise I will never come near people like you ever again.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Sorry, princess,” she said, not sounding sorry at all, “but I’m sick of girls like you. Such goody-two-shoes.”

“Yeah,” the brunette one agreed. “I’m afraid we can’t let you off that easy.”

“What?” I asked, but didn’t let them respond. I sprinted away, expecting them to run after me, but they didn’t. I turned around again, just to make sure, but when I slowed down, a man came in front of me.

“Well, look at what we have here,” a masculine voice sneered. Instinctively, I backed away.

“Don’t worry, dear, I won’t hurt you . . . that much.”

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